Right here.
Right here.
I had friends stand on the platforms. No guesswork.
YAY! I miss my Thorn. Makes boss fights just a touch easier.
I am so glad I’m not the only one this is happening to. I thought it might be my controller but “Run” is mapped to the same button for two other games and there’s no issues there.
I think Margot may have been the only one to actually GET her character but that was ruined by the sidelining of what makes Harley so great.
“We don’t give a fuck about your stupid games.”
“Why am I being punished?! I can play the game however I want! I bought it!”
and there never will be any. Niantic will never admit fault or explain an issue with their games.
on the pokemonGo Reddit an Ingress player was kind enough to inform the players there that Niantic won’t respond to them.
It apparently took a couple years of pushing before they could get something as simple as item counts added to Ingress.
Niantic is apparently complete shit at communication.
My response was “Then lets…
Just remember, without the flames your god looks like a rubber chicken.
This is my concern. his “It’s just a prank bro!” attitude, given the popularity of the game, could end up getting someone hurt when doing shit like this.
It stands a very good chance of being a “FIRE” in a theater situation.
Yup. Right there with you.
It’s a variable law in each state.
Wasn't pitch perfect 2 considered a failure though? Maybe compare it to something else.
Most would have rather had a gift card.
New Alternate skin for Zenyata, Flying Spagehtti Monster.
Skimmed the article after the midway point but in case it wasn’t mentioned.
You don't need muscle to throw a frisbee, That's all I'm saying. Instead of a heft in the direction she wants it to go just lob it like a frisbee.
Likely the number of requests for a specific location will factor heavily.