The major has, according to her in SAC, been in a cyber body since she was a young child and doesn’t even remember what she looked like.
The major has, according to her in SAC, been in a cyber body since she was a young child and doesn’t even remember what she looked like.
I have, they’re hilariously scary. Imagine some bad coding gets done in a “game” and the piston screws up?
That’s terrifying to think about but if you flip it, say the viewer is a coma patient who’s completely aware but unable toa ct and his nurse(s) are having fun, that could keep the Necro out of it for others.
Always remember, DBE was made purely so Fox could hold onto the movie rights. No other reason.
Wonderful. Kinda pissed me off when that little detail was confirmed/revealed and then the god damn credits roll.
If it's like the first game then there's a new game plus mode after beating it.
Is any reference made to the revelation about Tiz at the end of the first game?
Wood glue most likely.
Fox had been sitting on the movie rights for a while and they were about to expire.
Not just that but a new allergy can pop up at any time in life.
Telling you that you have a dangerous look about you while a chameleon deathclaw wanders by must be fun.
Do you only need one beta wave tuner or would you need one for each cage?
Marcy is the Internet personified. Never happy and always letting others know it.
Except the article makes it sound like preexisting characters are getting gender swapped.
Is there any data transfer from the first one?
Never said it was. But there are options. Expensive and time consuming but they do exist.
Because uncharted isn’t about “Xx420masterchiefxX it’s about Nathan Drake.
No, then he’d be a drain.
Loss of a limb.
Institutional grade food, droning “repeat after me” indotrination style teaching.
Seems about right.