
I recall Dini, or Maybe it was Timm, one of them at anyrate was asked about this at a convention and they said “If the follow up newscast doesn’t mention a Joker victim recovering then they’re dead. We couldn’t say they were dead in the show but if they’re not revealed to have gotten better then yeah, they’re dead.”

They won’t though. THey need their shared universe to be competetive with Marvel right now and that means fast tracking and jamming as much crap into each movie as possible.

It’s from the JLU series finale/Batman Beyond story wrap episode. A VERY touching scene.

Point of fact, a proper lantern could drop Superman. Kyle can create K-Radiation with his ring and put Clark on the ground.

Keatons Batman didn’t kill either. He even tried to save the Joker

If you ask her about the origin of the mechanist you get a sort of sad story, even sadder when you check her room and see the artwork signed “DP”.

NC doesn’t see anywhere near the level of productions that Georgia does.

J5 is VERY hard if not down right impossible to do with the parts available. I’ve tried.

The thing with Starkiller base is, it had to be in the works when the first Deathstar was coming online. AT THE LATEST.

Oh those sick fucks?! You don’t want to know.

Robots, when not used as companions, can be assigned to setteler and Provisioner tasks.

They also take up spaces in the settlements so that’s something to be aware of.

I actually saw a guy do this at my favorite Sushi place. I didn’t say anything but it did irk me ever so slightly.

SHould be noted, once you mod Codsworth AT ALL he loses the ability to wear a hat.

Most won’t care but it’s information worth having for those who do.

Looks like it was an issue on Sony’s North America side. Makes sense since the rest of the world got it and only Sony NA had the 1pm est launch time.

PS4 player here, every time I try to download the dlc I get “the content cannot be selected at this time”

Looks like they missed their breakthrough target by a bit.

So you know the original Nick went to “CIT” to participate in one of their neural mapping programs. That’s where the imprint came from.

The assumption on the show runners part is completely understandable. The woman is in EVERYTHING lately.

She likely still has enough clout to get okay residuals but everything that's been said about her makes me think she's an absolute nightmare to work with.

What do you expect? Truly entertaining and engaging content? They keep giving air time to Tim and Eric for crying out loud. They don’t know shit about shit.