
Meh, I’ve got the Lady killer perk at 2 and my charisma is maxxed. I didn’t even know you could fail the attempt. All I know is Curie freaking loved it. That’s the only saving grace to having Mama Murphy wandering around.

Maybe it’s because I’m not that deep into the fandom but I’ve never seen a negative thread in Steven Universe discussions. Certainly nothing venomous.

You only end up pissing off one faction with that ending and, well, there aren't many of them left to bother you at that point.

Until you make the idiotic choice to get her to kick her Chem habit.

Can't assign mama to anything.

This right here. Pokemon was also commonly broadcast early morning during the week too letting kids get their fix before school.

Pokemon had the anime up and running before the heavy merchandising push. Without that in place Yokai is going to remain under a lot of kids radar.

Right. The likeness of my ironman minifig is so spot on that I constantly think Robert Downey Jr is sitting on my shelf with batman.

Do you know why they do it at Christmas time? Because they’re not capable of doing it any other time. Seriously. They rely on the added server load from all the new consoles and games to do a huge part of their “job” for them.

Pretty much yeah, it's one of the good things that having a fading memory overlay of Doc Ock in his head left him with.

Macready Perk with High Agility (More AP) and a maxed out Gainer.

Looks like the party scene from Kingsman.

The Piper and Cait interaction is always my favorite.

With the right SPECIAL perks maxed you don’t need a glitch for caps. The issue I’m having is Fiberglass.

I’ve found vendors with shipments for everything but Fiberglass. Pipers red leather coat needs to be Ballistic eave enhanced to five and I don’t have the ****ing Fiberglass.

Knights of the Round now takes 16 hours to complete.

Telesto is a great gun. I hate fusion rifles and I love this little beast.

Newgen Synths are basically brainwashed cybernetic ally enhanced humans.

I initially allied with the brotherhood because of the memories I had from Fallout 3. Elder Lyons was leading them on a more noble path.

I had hoped that they were build able or claimable so you could display favorite clothing on them.

It’s not only a contract issue. As Kross states, it’s performance. There’s a reason it seems like you’ll see the same 8 guys over and over again. Getting it up on camera and keeping it up with constant starts and stops is not something every guy can do, nor can they “pop on cue”.

I appreciate that the US version kept those things too. They softened them but they were still there.