
and one was added to the black garden. There’s one in the mines too, just before you enter the lab area to the left of the door wedged in a crack, TLW #4. (Ruling house mission, take the left fork and go where the hidden fang used to spawn)

So does the “Ace of Spades” a Hand cannon the hunter in the trailers is using. not sure of the name though, but it’s a Tex Mechanica looking hand cannon with a spade on it.

So, he landed two Golden Gun shots into Dregden Yor? Damn, talk about overkill.

Rewards are decided when they are sent.

“Gotcha! Mewtwo captured!”

Kinda pissed that my Ghost ANgel cloak is 130def while my Blue “Frumious CLoak” is 160. Makes no sense.

On top of that light value is all associated with atk/def averages. Just call it what it is, Gear score.

A LOT of people had this issue, full system reset helped most.

Look at your strangers rifle. Look at those nodes.

See that “UPGRADE” node for 125 Legendary marks? Yeah, People are claiming it’s similar to the upgrade to get the Necrochasm

Because engrams and packages are locked to when they were acquired.

What they are is decided the moment they’re picked up/received.

Oh yeah, the bounties are almost ridiculously easy now. “Deathless” replaces Unbreakable (Or whatever that 9k EXP without death bounty was named).

Except it’s a 10K requirement now,OH! and it counts bounty experience.

I’ve had “do it for him” stuck in my head for days.

No replay available.

*bad rabbi accent*

People who haven’t purchased TTK are getting a free preview of some TTK content. It’s a sales tactic.

No, it will supposedly complete to 100%. 9/8 hits and whatever bounties were cloggin up your inventory will either be erased or, in the event of exotics, completed.

Seems so.

Get those mentor Missives and get em fast!

Get them now. The Wolves prowl every 15 minutes. Jsut get out there and kill em.

the bounties that require patrol specific enemies will be likely retired. The ones involving enemies like the dock 13 captain or the ether runner near the endless steps will likely remain.

Seriously, just click the link.

Precisely, it would be akin to making someone against the death penalty file the paper work needed to carry out the death penalty, not actually push the button.