it covers a specific form of contraceptive, not ALL which apparently hobby lobby was paying for before.
it covers a specific form of contraceptive, not ALL which apparently hobby lobby was paying for before.
I find it funny that the GOP is trying to "defend the institution of marriage" but haven't tried to make cheating on your spouse a crime.
I'd be fine with monthly fees at $10.
Which falls to the "Developers are gearing primarily towards new gen systems." The WiiU is about as powerful as the 360 and PS3.
startrek online does this lockbox bullshit too. They dropped the premium boxes after the first set though.
oh no, they're solvent and if they had to rely on just their bank account will remain so for the next 50 years or so but Nintendo is very slow to adapt to market change.
while Nintendo is far from dead they're still reporting a significant loss this year.
well for the media to make the claim before the personality they would have to have seen them engaged in a make out session or something.
I always took it to mean you'd be open to trying nearly anything and those that you enjoyed would be incorporated into your "go to" list(for lack of a better term) of things/people you like.
not saying it's true but it has happened. The only way to actually know is to wait and see though .
free to play over paid subs is still VERY popular.
work in some sensors and tie them to a motorized phallus on the other end of the connection that mimics the speed and depth of thrust and you've got a beat gadget.
good, one less venue for mccarthy's batshit antivax stance.
put locks on EVERYTHING the fridge, cabinets, EVERYTHING.
your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.
one of three things is going to happen.
to be fair this is what happens when crafting items can be as rare a drop in game as a CEO complimenting a cashier IRL.
And if they'd let the lion EAT the moron the lion would have been put down and the zoo would have been sued.
the burning of the body could also have been the murderers ignorant assumption that it would eradicate the evidence of a murder.
Or it could be an alternate universe Gohan, born from Goku and Bulma? We'll have to wait and see ultimately.