Mega Sceptile (aka Treecko's mega) is a Grass/Dragon type
Mega Sceptile (aka Treecko's mega) is a Grass/Dragon type
Bieber has broken a boatload if laws that would get any other foreign person (he's still a Canadian citizen) booted out of the country.
seriously. Helps prevent over eating and increases your dexterity.
from every interview and even the set stories he's a giant teddy bear. Good to know.
you can't really blame her. I mean it's not like he says his name 30 times each time you load the game up.
That's got to be the single most dehydration inducing piece of Cosplay EVER.
DCUO is 60fps on the PS4.
no, I'm comparing fraudulent reviews to fraudulent reviews.
isn't this reaction basically the same as the glasshole that ruined a newyork restaurants score because they asked her to remove her Google Glass?
you should always believe in magic. It's science, with lies.
And now that I can use my Wavebird again I'm more inclined to get a WiiU.
trying to teach them how to dress appropriately while not telling them that certain dress code is being enforced, allowing the pictures to be taken, MODIFYING the pictures afterwards and then not telling them that pictures are being altered.
Wait, women can go topless in NYC? cool. Let's hope it catches on. Fairs fair right?
I'll just wait for the PS4 version of GTA.
why would you have trouble sending a two dollar bill? It's legal tender, they're still printing them.
I hated that when I delivered. There was one family that ALWAYS did his and they would always have $40+ orders, for the most part the drivers would alternate who took the run.
It's not the screen that uses the stylus. Depending on the type of touch interface it's either a sensor "film" over the lower portion or a pressure sensor behind the lower section.
well, gluten intolerance is bullshit. The guy who did the original study has even said so , that it wasn't the gluten that was causing it but a very specific carbohydrate.
the fact that we're hearing about them now proves that will never happen.
to be fair most of them are.