I used to air that particular infomercial. We had a lot of theories for why all of these people happen to be in the same house that particular morning.
I used to air that particular infomercial. We had a lot of theories for why all of these people happen to be in the same house that particular morning.
Biblical standards? What like the one that prohibits females from learning? Shouldn't all of the females be expelled for that one?
This extends (pun not intended) to the "black guys are bigger" thing too.
Thingamajig. You have to use the proper whoozits term.
Like a cornered rat.
Last bit.
Not going to lie, I'd lose my shit laughing if it had been stolen and stripped.
Except that the only water in the forest is the river.
So that sound heard across the nation, in case anyone was wondering, was the sound of the extreme republicans heads exploding in righteous fury.
I have zero reason to defend my opinion.
Pretty sure it would break if you did.
repetitive gameplay, being presented with a large roster but really only being able to use a small number of characters in order to be competitive, pretty much everything about them.
And with this I'm done.
Because to me, they're boring as hell. As such I won't play them hence my stance of "Fuck MOBAs".
I miss two player single room console games.
Let's just agree that both genders have stereotypes. Granted females have it worse but guys aren't excluded from unrealistic ideals being presented for them to "aspire" to.
Zero. Because fuck MOBAs.
Until you measure the figure and scale them to a full grown man and realize it would be some horrifically grotesque monster.
Or just a high caliber round. Seriously, they're rated for small arms and ranged shotgun hits. A slug shot at close range will laugh at a vest unless it's and actual armor layered vest.
Sadly it's offset by the sixty pounds of vinyl and seven tiered spoiler.
He still used stealth. The batmobile drew fire while he took apart the goons.