
The Bank was supposed to have released two days after Christmas but a general outage affecting all of Nintendo's online services put that on hold indefinitely. Pokémon Transporter, allowing players to move their pokémon collection from Pokemon Black and White and Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 was set to join it in

That's the idea.

They want the bank to be integral to all future main franchise titles.

Add to that the Celebi freebie is supposedly the first of what should be MANY bank incentives.

friend tried to transfer his icebeam charizard.

You're being obtuse.

My whole thing is the haircut is a non-issue. I prefer the long hair but it doesn't lessen my enjoyment of her as an actress or video blogger.

Transporter is downloaded from within the bank app. Please update so people stop freaking out for no reason.

I'm not. Too damn much surfing.

It can be Black and White.

It's any of the 5th gen games.

you only need to have the Pokedex unlocked in X/Y.

This is trainers everywhere, welcoming home their old friends.

I have the biggest smile on my face right now.

More than likely.

It's much more likely that CVS didn't want to take the low ball "rent" offer that the tobacco companies were asking.

That room looks an awful lot like the North Korean "missile control" room.

In my opinion this is the tenth.

Longer hair suits the overall shape of her face better. The short hair doesn't keep me from watching her videos, well, the ones that interest me anyway like the gaming series she does with her brother.

No. No they didn't.

All of the episodes get cuts in the us. Most notable in the premieres and specials but there are ALWAYS cuts to wedge in more commercials in the additional airings.

Fair enough. Still reduces responsiveness which still makes it a much more dangerous situation.

Exactly. While the runner may be dangerous, suddenly having extremely limited control (don't most steering wheels lock when the engine is off?) and no ABS pretty much turns a high speed chase into a metal casket chase.

Which, oddly enough, people with big ass trucks (in my experience) very rarely use them to actually haul anything and timely on them to set status or prove that they're "country".