
Meanwhile, those protesting AGAINST gay rights were left alone.

Granted, but more guys would have ruined the party better.

They really should have had horns on that track.

Yeah, I've played the game. She has +20 plot armor.

Did you actually READ that article or are you just grabbing headlines to try to make an argument?

Pretty much everything in the article you've just linked to was cleared as legit in the updates TO the article.

There's no nostalgia glaze there. Mewtwo was and remains a right badass.

Like I said. The pokebank added to the problem.

His last name is jaeger. It means hunter in German.

And yet, the Bank is still down while everything else is working just fine.

Hmmm.... I wonder why that might be?

Maybe because like I said, the bank was adding extra strain on the system and as such was taken down.

Like I said, the bank didn't CAUSE it, it just sped up the crash and now Big N is trying to shore up

That could be rediscovered technology.

Records of cannons and crude descriptions/damaged plans.

The fact that Mikasa is called Japanese and Eren is called German (His name points to Geramnic descent).

It is VERY likely set deep in the future.

Wouldn't shock me if the Titans were a plan to create a unified enemy for the

Capcom: "we don't know what the fuck we're doing anymore."

Not actually true. The problem likely would have occurred even without the pokebank, true.

3DS systems are.

This game needs a US release.

And pokegen Pokemon are sliding through the filter it seems.

Is the river in the first image tidal? Seems to be swelling as the gif progresses.

Which, being the creepy little fuckers they are, is totally something an Espurr would do.

I would love to have a Dome Zero in my garage.

Purely for the rarity and the fact that it just looks cool.

Energy doctors office needs this.

Nearly every blade he makes is way heavier than it should be.