
I'm sorry, the only thing I can see when ever he appears is him eagerly being Danny McBrides bitch in "This is the end".

No matter how awesome a role he may be up for, no matter how poignant the scene. I will remember him in a luchador mask offering his ass to the guy from eastbound and down.

And I will still laugh.

throw some guys in there and call it "Humans are assholes" and it's far more accurate.

And it inspires many feels.

You want to save the Vita Sony? GET SOME ****ING GAMES ON IT!

Eventually this game will come out.

Wait. PC and PS4 can play together?

Meh, Preorders actually get me to buy a game I'm interested in. Kind of a "Let's get this thing paid off" feel.

Yeah, I have a few of those on mine too.

Could have sworn they said something like that about the Vita too.

Heroine is a hell of a drug.

Steel was introduced in gen two (gold and silver).

Latest antics aside, why has no one knocked him on his ass yet?

Nintendo has not acknowledged them yet. They "Don't exist" according to them.

But "Breaks-in" works too.

It Breaks in and burn your house down.


I'll give them this. It makes more sense than an MTV music video awards show.

I'll give them this. It makes more sense than an MTV music video awards show.

I'll give them this. It makes more sense than an MTV music video awards show.

I didn't say activate the event. I said acknowledge the information has been found.
