
God I hope it doesn't require a lot of reading.

Pretty sure he said that it was in the $1300 range for the meteorites. There is no way in hell he'd drop $100k on something that's basically being done as a commercial.

Pretty sure he said $1300 or there about. No way in hell is he going to drop 100k on what equates to a promotional project.

I've seen all of his videos and thought "wow that's pretty cool." This was the first time I've thought "OH MY GOD I MUST HAVE THAT BLADE!".

Will there be a "Blues" type character?

Mmmm..... New vita game drools


Any way to get her old voice back? I'm not fond of the new Siri voice at all.

Don't suppose there's a way to get Siri's old voice back is there?

By all means have him show remorse, but hell, having SUPERMAN kill I'm his first outing is a franchise story deadend.

I'm glad they didn't go with the alternate scene where the wolf won't surrender and Henry had to snap his neck then cry for ten minutes.

Her level of stupidity never ceases to amaze me. Just when I think she can't say anything dumber, she opens her mouth and another ridiculous log spills out.

A vita version would be bought instantly.

They didn't want to do it? Lazy fucks. That's what got a huge chunk of people there in the first place.

There were masks yeah but a lot of them had basic prosthetics, like on the brow and cheeks.

The silent hill house was a fucking joke.

I have no problem driving a car fast, it's being in the passenger seat when someone else driving like a lunatic that screws me up

Could mean no one in the afterlife wants to put up with him either.

Still waiting for the "nope turns out Peter got doc Ocks memories and was just really confused, but he's better now.".