
Alright, well based on what you've said and from other stuff I've looked up recently, I've been persuaded that homosexuality is justifiably considered a sin in Christianity based on the scripture.

Thank you for the response. I understand what you're saying and agree with most of it. For example, I know the Pharisees are now synonymous with hypocritical outward displays of piousness, while internally not truly loving God or their fellow men. A major part of Jesus' message was to follow the spirit of the law

I'm not a Christian, and I don't mean to try and take you down or anything like that, but I don't understand the basis for viewing homosexuality negatively. As far as I know only Leviticus explicitly prohibits it, but Christians ignore a lot of other things from there, such as observing the sabbath, which God seemed

When I bought my car a little over a year ago, the salesman misrepresented that it had a spare at first.

Most people only read the headlines, and possibly the first couple of sentences, of internet articles before running their mouths off about the first thing that popped into their head in the comments. It's hopeless.

Plausible sounding bullshit does indeed spread fast.

I'm afraid I'll have to report you to the reeducation camps after the revolution.

Whoa, there's plenty of good Simpsons for a couple of seasons after season 6. Is that where the comic book guys are drawing the line now?

I'm vicariously angry.

Tips for getting out of a ticket:

Are red ones worth more?

I got those wiper blades a couple of weeks ago. They're not that great. Had to return the passenger side one's at first. Both wipers still have a tendency to smear.