
Thank Gawd… this is all that I've needed. One finally mess around and a chance for Winston to prank his wedding.

Side note…. Did anyone else half expect Flynn to be the hallucination for Raven.

Yeah to be honest… I figured around 150 to 200.


I have to say that the Comments for this Episode are Fantastic…. Keep it up guys.

I will agree Buffy was the master of that… but back then the concept of a dues ex machina in a TV series was still kind of new. It's crazy think of the fact that Buffy was one of the few Serialized shows back then that actually lasted more then a season. Most Serial shows barely made it mainly because they were

??? The beast, Jasmine, Holtz, and Marcus Hamilton….

Yeah still patiently waiting for something on new girl… just something even if it's a short 12 episode season. Give me something.

Yeah but SG-1 would normally plant clues near the beginning of the season to let you know that there was at least way to win… Buffy and Angel would sometimes wait until almost the end of the Season to come up with something. Like when Buffy had to fight David…. it took almost the entire season for the show to finally

I think that it was always clear that Jasper wanted to die but Like he said he was too chicken to do it himself… once he found a way to do it without pain.. it was inevitable.

Side note… Can we give a mention to the Show being ballsy enough to show a bunch of kids commit mass suicide from a drug overdose.

Ok what??? You have been holding on because of Jasper….

There's still 2 more episodes left…

Can we just take a moment for Monty because the feels from that scene.. man the feels.

Ok time to help the reviewer here with the Bunker… Clarke locked the door because she was playing the odds and figured Luna was winning. Once she heard that Octavia won… Her eyes told the story. She knew she fucked up. Her fear was that all of the grounders would be right outside the door ready to rush in and kill

Still holding out hope for New Girl.

The Win must come at the End…. that's what makes it worth it. The Villian has to seem indestructible. Buffy and Angel were the gold standard of this.

So it's time for James to return to metropolis and be replaced with more Mon-el. There has been way to little Mon-el since he confessed his love to Kara. They need Winn to work with Mon-el on his quest to be a better hero.

I do agree that no one talking to Luna before the fight was odd and seemed out of character for Clarke and her people but you cant ignore the fact that the sky people pretty much treated her like shit while on the island….. and Abby saving Clarke just showed that they are willing to risk the lives of grounders but not

I want to give this 5 extra likes for proper use of habitual line steppers.