
Man I'm going to need to make a gif of Winstons slow stare down walk away.

Winstons slow walk away from Sam was probably one of the funniest things that I've seen in months.

May the Gods give mercy on the souls of those willing to pay to watch this.

Wow…These special effects are on par with Starship Troopers 2. That is not a good thing.

c+ get the float out of here. I didn't see this episode putting a sympathetic spin on Pike. I saw this more about how a group of kids actually ended up becoming more adult then the grown ups.

Holy fuck… Dude

Man I agree with you. I'm just sick of this show being overlooked. If it was on HBO … It would sweep every year.

In all honesty every episode turns into the best episode. The show continues to top itself. Side note… Matthew Rhys had better get a freaking Emmy because he continues to absolutely kill as Phillip.

I just want to say that I still can't forgive FOX for cancelling Space Above and Beyond.

No reference to the amazingly random yet appropriate "Do you remember Coach?" cold open….. That line had me in tears.

There are never enough Cece-Winston mess arounds.

Man I have to admit the first episode was freaking hilarious.

I'm glad that I wasn't the only one thinking…. "How can superman be off-world" if he can't breathe in space.

I love how DC continues to de-value Superman. Seriously.. Why would anyone even call him for help? He has been nothing more then a joke all Season. And what the heck was up with the instant chat using the company internet. Wouldn't these conversations be recorded somewhere. Also… why doesn't she just tell Cat her

Man this episode was one of the best ones this season. It was easily a B+. I hate how the reviewer is using his opinion on previous storylines against the score of this episode.

I really love how this entire season has basically been about the Hive mentality of Arcadia. To me that is what defines this season. They actually turned Arcadia into a character. In the beginning we were shocked when Pike gained control… And see how easily they go along with his plans. Now we have the entire

A B…. You are freaking crazy. This episode was at least an A-. It should get a B+ just from Octavia's Bellamy beat down.

B- …. You are shitting me. This was one of this seasons best episodes and Lincoln got shot in the head for making the ultimate sacrifice. Come the fuck one. B- more like A..
were you sleepy when you saw… Come on.

Somewhere someplace the douchebag jar patiently waits to be fed.

The magenta men line was gold. It was pure comedy gold. I'm taking that one.