I bet the girl who filmed it will get a harsher sentence than the guy who actually committed the rape. Because that’s the world we live in. No, wait. I just hope the guy gets sentenced at all. THAT’S the world we live in.
I bet the girl who filmed it will get a harsher sentence than the guy who actually committed the rape. Because that’s the world we live in. No, wait. I just hope the guy gets sentenced at all. THAT’S the world we live in.
The human immune system is exposed to countless bacteria and viruses all the time, but a couple more would be totally too much. /s
It’s my new Punk band name.
I’ve never really had an opinion on Robert Rodriguez one way or the other, but this quote is fucking ridiculous!
This dude is a troll, he oscillates between trying to be obtuse to straight up insulting.
Some Trump fan shouted out with something like, “You lost! Trump for president!”
The epitome of closing the barn door after the horse has already left.
I think this is one of those times that people say ‘vagina’ when what they really mean is ‘vulva.’ A vagina is shaped more like a condom, but this product bears a closer resemblance to the external area, especially if you think of the flaps as labia.
Repeat after me: Vulva. Vulva. VULVA.
The more we talk about the candidates’ sex, the less we talk about what the candidates propose to do about sexism. About racism. About the enormous income gap.
If we get everyone out there enough guns, after a brief spike, we can get the murder rate down to zero. Forever and ever.
This very question was brought up on Quora awhile back. The writer pointed out that teachers have such close contact in a classroom, that in all probability the teacher would lose control either by a student playing around or leaving it unlocked somewhere. Fun thought, huh?
People will no doubt crap on Rousey for the babies comment, but I can absolutely sympathize with her on losing a fight in such a bad manner. Especially for someone who spent so much time on top, it must be hard coming down so hard (no pun intended.)
Don’t forget that if they really wanted to kill someone and/or themselves they would have found a way to do it even if they didn’t have a gun!
Yup. I got married at the stupid age of 21 and that ring I just *had to have* is in a lock box. Marriage is great. I don't need a ring to make it so.
“Something under the conscious is going on,” Grunspan said. “For 18 years, these [young men] have been socialized to have this bias.”
But, but, but! You called the logical fallacy out!
They will latch onto literally anything to condemn outsiders. That they don’t like seeing tits in a nonsexual context is no reason to worry; they’d have found something else to bitch about if everyone had remained clothed.