I am really wondering how the fuck not having an abortion protects the mother. Also how is the “child” the victim? He needs to stop talking, his ignorance is showing.
I am really wondering how the fuck not having an abortion protects the mother. Also how is the “child” the victim? He needs to stop talking, his ignorance is showing.
Ah! I see they need to get early jabs in on those angry atheists who worship Satan and hate Christmas.
There should be an option: “depends on my partner’s preference”. After all I must please my partners as much as possible!
Why does that sound so hot to me? Wtf is wrong with me?
That school district is so straight up lying. It is all about coverup and it does not matter who gets hurt in the process.
Oh no! Now what will deter criminals from murder?! I just imagine that being the most upvoted comment on MSN.
Wtf is with people’s obsession with call other human beings monsters? Does it make them feel better to dehumanize people they disagree with? Like how dare you want to care about women? You must be a monster!
I would even say stainless steel. No amount of rain will STOP HER!
Wow! So now women have to protect themselves from danger? Sounds about right, especially for WOC. Well I guess at least he is admitting how awful the police are at their jobs.
Nah! I still think I have him beat on loving more of something else than him. I will show myself out now.
Wtf is wrong with people who DEFEND these racist remarks?! She stereotyped Latinos to toilet cleaners. How do you not have a problem with that? Especially after the sorry not sorry apology.
I really wished we had petitions (and get as many signatures as this) to charge police for beating and killing black people.
Why do I get the feeling she is doing this all as a PR stunt and to make more songs after they “suddenly” breakup?
Isn't so romantic to get lost in the woods and get all hot, sweaty, and dirty with your partner?
Wow! Good for you and that was nice of you to do that. I do not think I could let someone else pay my debt, if I had one, and if I did then I would be like I will do whatever you want me to do.
Ugh some white people just piss me off. They believe such ridiculous things that they would never say if this was a white person. I heard one of them say the police pulled her over because she was drunk. It was so ignorant, I just could not engage (although sometimes I guess I should because who else will?).
#ImWithHuck I cannot believe organ donors let these EVIL people take their organs. PP do BARBARIC experiments on these organs and profit from it. It is time to wake up sheeple!
Ron Hubbard is that you?