
She did something formally-but-not-really-morally wrong, and had something absolutely fucking vile and destructive done to her. Giving equal time to both of those is Her Emails but with extra victim-blaming.

That’s really very much not the main issue. “Had an apparently consensual affair with a formal subordinate” isn’t grounds for dismissal in many professional contexts. Maybe reprimand, Were there any evidence of coercion, then sure, but an adult fucking another adult is not a good reason to dump a duly elected

Just look at the photos on The Daily Mail.

I agree with you in general, but this is really different in kind from the Franken debacle. The accusations against Franken, at least, were that he had done something genuinely bad. Whether they’re true or not, if they’re true then it’s absolutely right that he resigned.

I mean, “diva” is pretty much her job description, right? It seems weird that anyone would hold it against her.

Farrow turning himself into an unstoppable journalistic typhoon has been extremely satisfying to watch.

I hear they also contain chemicals. CHEMICALS.

Abolish police, replace them with Bobbies.

Orlando Magic-you know what, no

Barbara Streisand couldn’t have people murdered at will and has never been worth even close to a trillion dollars. I think the past week has been China’s announcement that popularity doesn’t matter to them anymore; power does.

I’m not endorsing that sentiment; I phrased it so starkly to make clear I think it’s bad. I just think it’s the one at work here (albeit mostly subconsciously).

Calling Ellen an oligarch is a pretty serious abuse of the word. Nobody’s asking for Ellen’s permission to appoint government employees.

We were fighting authoritarian communism in large part by supporting authoritarian capitalist regimes (including over social democracies). Finding rhetoric to combat Chinese overreach is like treating a heroin overdose with nothing but morphine.

I also can’t imagine South Park has much of a market in China? They’re not looking at losing out on megabillions like the NBA or Actiblizz.

One of the very few times Dante got totally topped by the original:

The point isn’t changing Hong Kong’s political process; it’s not changing the US’s.

The reasoning in this ‘scandal’ is how we end up with Bernie Sanders being the only acceptable politician, because he’s uniformly gruff and dour with everyone. Can’t be friendly with a war criminal if you’re never friendly!

Every moment is a new and important opportunity to point out how shitty and worthless liberal women are.

Everybody’s canceled except for Bernie.