
On a side note I just finished the game this afternoon, and I thought it was a whole lot of fun. So unique, I really loved it.

I am an unabashed fan of the game as well. The biggest drawback is of course the repetition, but I feel that could have been solved with some better writing.

Everyone calm down. Geez.

God made me an atheist. Who are you to question his wisdom.

Braid! The game is amazing, frustrating, and oh so rewarding.

"It's light. Handle's adjustable for easy carrying, good for righties and lefties. Breaks down into four parts, undetectable by x-ray, ideal for quick, discreet interventions. A word on firepower. Titanium recharger, three thousand round clip with bursts of three to three hundred, and with the Replay button - another

@Mike Fahey: Whoops. In my defense I didn't spoil the end of LOST or anything like that. Still, watch the finale and you'll be as shocked as I am.


@0bsessions: You can't judge a paper based on a sportswriter; Shaughnessy is an asshole but he's our asshole. But, I'm guessing you read the Herald.

Ninja Gaiden sword was cooler. But I am a sucker for cheap plastic so I might pick it up.

I can barely get through all the articles posted on Kotaku let alone play all the games I want to play.

I just saw them die on Mario for NES World 1-1.

This is full of win.

Big fan of the show. Cute nerdy girl and comic book plots, I'm sold.

The voice acting could endear them more, or it could horribly castrate your emotional memories by completely botching the voices.

Over One Million and not a single Brian Crecente creature? For shame Kotaku, for shame.

@PapaBear434: You know I had the exact same thought when I read the post. I couldn't live in a country where I am married to a citizen and have a child and yet am still not able to vote in an election.

That was really well done.

Too many essays.

@zanzibarlegend: Real men use wii wheels and rock the golden wheel online.