
Far out.

That’s just, like, your opinion, man.

“Oh George, not the livestock!"

Sweet, dumb Delmar from O Brother Where Art Thou ( “we was...a toad) and Marge from Fargo. Anton Chigurh is my favorite villain.

Yes HAL, you will dream.

Nah. To be honest, the left will be just fine. At least a jackass who was encouraging conflict and spreading lies -- sometimes literally selling snake oil -- is losing his voice and his inane money spigot.

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos - he was a common commentator on the history channel‘s show Ancient Aliens. He’d often lay out some strange scenario and then ask „Could it be...aliens?!“ and then cite Erich von Däniken‘s Chariot of the Gods

I think you mean Hemsworth and not Evans.

Hes a guy that appears on History Channel’s Ancient Aliens series. Pretty much every single time they talk to him, his dialogue boils down to “Im not saying it’s aliens... but it’s aliens. Not worded exactly like that, but it’s what he’s ultimately saying. That combination, plus his hair being so wild, led to

Here ya go.

Here ya go.

He’s one of the “experts” from the History channel show Ancient Aliens. He looks like an unkempt weirdo because conspiracy and alternative history “experts” are usually unkempt weirdos.

I’ve been training my whole life for this moment.

Yes. The ire of a whole nation.

And R2D2 just stood there doing NOTHING

That movie is awesome! I had to hunt it down after I saw a write up of it in RE:Search Incredibly strange film book. I took awhile but I loved it! I can’t imagine watching it as a kid.

Oh, man! I don’t remember this being terribly scary but, BOY it was an event! We got like a dozen pairs of glasses and Slurpees and pizza and popped a whole jar of popcorn and had the whole neighborhood over to watch on our 19" Sony Trinitron. Great memory. They did ‘Creature From The Black Lagoon’ too.

I wonder if that was part of the Elvira co-op where she was the emcee for the showing on television and they even had 3D skits and gags to go along with it. For some reason The Mask feels like an MST3K episode.