
Is this to prevent contracting Norovirus?


Wolverine miniseries.. got me into collecting and I still re-read it.

LOL @ depicting hands in the shape of a ball for a sport where you can't use your hands.

Tobacco is a plant. Nicotine is a drug. They are doing their job here.

Canada and Mexico are involved in an intense large scale game of paper football. CASE CLOSED.

"The hills are alive, with the sound of gunfire..."

Well, that explained the floating objects.

"Grandma, what was the future like?"

Mars's biggest problem? The school system.

Ironically, we ate the vegans first.

Wait, is this a joke? I can't tell.

This whole list doesn't make any sense. Are you just trolling us or were you molested by a puppet?

Hey, Rob! Here's some inspiration for your next article:

How DARE you include Aloysius Snuffleupagus on this list?! Blasphemy!!!! (Fun fact: I was legit in my 20s when I found out Snuffy was originally imaginary. *mind blown* - and still not quite over that fact).

Also Walter from the new Muppet movies.

9) Snuffaluffagus

Ahem. That's Pepe the KING Prawn.
And he is FABULOUS.

Nice painting! By the'd never see Pluto rise on Charon since Charon always keeps one face toward Pluto, as our own moon does for the earth.