
Sorry, guys, but there's no "scientifically accurate Santa" since we only know science in a partial way.

They start off by saying he gives gifts to nice boys and girls, but then the number they use sounds like they are talking about the total number of children on earth. I'm 100% certain all children aren't on the nice list. Therefore his actual workload is cut down considerably.

That discussion is silly. I'm not even human.

wait.... santa isn't real? Wtf guys. Not cool.

This doesn't address all of the seeming scientific impossibilities regarding Santa. Ergo, this must mean it is safe to assume that those unaddressed impossibilities are all things that are true about Santa, right? So, if we agree that Santa can accomplish some scientifically impossible or implausible things, why

Simpler explanation: Santa is a time lord.

You forgot one:

Is "the hat" available as a a character customization?

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Always been a personal favorite of mine. Even as a kid I thought it was kinda odd and hilarious. The kid with the 'fro, the dude with the weird deep voice.
It was just the perfect storm of 80's goodness.

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I've wanted to suggest this topic for some time now.

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Not only is the song impossibly catchy, it manages to explain the entire premise of a fairly high-concept show in 90 seconds.

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Is he strong? Listen, bud. He's got radioactive blood.

A Will Smith movie that bombs at the box office? An M. Night Shaymalan movie that people say could actually be