
Wildlings? White walkers?

There's a lot of comments here claiming that this is what Fox does- screws up good scifi shows by shifting the schedule around and playing episodes out of order. While this is true for some shows, Firefly being the most prominent example, I don't think this is what sealed the fate for Almost Human. Sure, it didn't

Okay, but ballroom dancing is a lot different (and a lot more physically demanding) than acting in a movie. There's no stunt doubles for Dancing with the Stars.

Perhaps the contract negotiations are still ongoing.

I think a lot of them will be "elder statesmen". Harrison Ford is 71 after all.

Um, hello?

I know! I've heard he's going to be in Rebels, though.

Same reaction I had when I heard Christopher Lee was in Attack of the Clones.

Why is it always "shark-infested" waters? Human infested waters is more like it. We're the invasive species.

You know, back around 1993 when I was a freshman in college (sigh), I remember my then-girlfriend telling me she was off to the computer lab to check her email. I distinctly remember thinking, "What the hell is email?"

Sorry, people still look like douches while wearing Google Glass. (The sad thing is, I still really want one).

Heck, put on cruise control and an audiobook, and any car seems like it can drive itself on an Interstate.

This is where they quarantine the people with the norovirus.

Is that Fred Rerun Berry?

For a second there, I thought this was Killer Bob from Twin Peaks.

The last one is like Rod Serling's drug trip...

The llama digs Looney Tunes.

Ring a ding ding.

Why Doesn't the Heart Get Tired Like Other Muscles?