
Did Nick Swisher sleep with the third base foul line's wife, or what?

Reporter: Homer was very efficient out there tonight. Only took him one-hundred and nine pitches.

Drew, a special consultant interviewed literally dozens of people named Dan Snyder, and they all agree that they are OK with the use of that name. It's full of rich heritage and is only meant to honor the Daniel Snyders that came before. Maybe you should just stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.

That's so distasteful. My shoes are made from baby pumas.

But wait... now we all know about his possible involvement in the 2012 double murder. He has a motive to kill all of us. Am I Hernandez's next victim?? What have you done, Barry?! You've killed us all!

They may allow denim, but it'll be a cold day in hell before they accept any Levis.

Those who missed received two season tickets.


The police took a huge risk showing up to Aaron's house dressed up like they did. Most people won't answer to door when a couple of Caucasians wearing white shirts and dark jackets knock.

Well, actually the chick is crocheting, not knitting. So, there's that.

Disagree. They are definitely written by children.

It's north of NYC...therefore, it IS upstate. End of discussion.

Once again, Deadspin resorts to mockery of those who take a moment to marvel at their God-given 2nd Amendment rights.

You have to admire Dusty Baker's consistency: if there's a way to injure a pitcher, he'll damn well find it.

Geez, I was just making a simple observation. No reason to get all jocked up about it.

I don't know, maybe he was just looking for a nice, quiet place to work.

The problem with your analysis is that there was one other guy who fucked up on D, and it was Hansborough. He totally panicked when he had to switch, and ended up face-guarding a guy who's a half-foot shorter than him with his back to the action. There's no reason for a seven-footer to be out on the three-point line

Oh man, then you missed some really great typos in the last few grafs.