
Entirely unrelated and unsolicited advice for your friend: maybe check out “puzzle feeders” (there’s tons of different varieties) if they haven’t already. I’ve found that they work for most problem-eater cats I’ve encountered—basically, they force the cat to eat the food slower/single pieces at a time. I know they

“But I really expected a few more months out of him. Not really a fan, but I guess I expected him to be around a bit longer.”

Moving tribute. Like he was a fair-to-middling water filter.

The Corvette doesn’t need to be at a Cars and Coffee event to take down an innocent bystander. And it’s strapped down!! Now that’s a car.

Options galore:

have a recommendation for a good soy sauce bottle

Fried rice in Japan is almost always made with short grain rice. Using left-over rice is best, but one trick which can help make the rice less sticky is to beat the eggs, then combine the raw egg with the rice beforehand. Mix well so the egg is coating the rice particles, THEN add the rice to a smoking hot wok with

Yeah I really enjoyed Mad Max but it had way too much busy work to even bother trying to do it all. Maybe if it led to something other than an achievement. Like a bonus boss you can’t possibly beat unless you have all the power up from the busy work.

No, Money Down!

You ask what Guiliani did to help NYC after 9/11: he left office on 1/1/2002. I know that he was term-limited, but anyway.


And we go to the judges.....they’ll allow it!

i sincerely hope there is a beautiful soul out there servicing her. and that she drives to their abode in the car he bought, buys them liquor with the money he makes and laugh together about how inadequate his bedroom habits are. because this is malarkey of the highest order.

I would argue that CB4 is a tepid comedy (and it sadly overshadowed the much better, funnier Fear of a Black Hat) but, my god, the Afrocentric rap kills me, everytime!

Final Fantasy Brave Exvious is a lot of things you named, but in spite of that it is a really, really good game. I played every day for over a year before I finally paid money just to give support. They come out with new content every weekend, and this weekend it’s Dragon Quest so I’m going to have a slime in my

Born on 3rd base and thinks he hit a triple

This was my dad’s go-to when he was left to make dinner for us. Never used stock or meat, just frozen peas and carrots.

You sure the eagle didn’t land on James Pullman?