That’s pretty exciting. The game and the world they built deserved better than what it got. Hopefully they do something fun with the property. Maybe a tidy little remaster and a new game at some point?
That’s pretty exciting. The game and the world they built deserved better than what it got. Hopefully they do something fun with the property. Maybe a tidy little remaster and a new game at some point?
Granted, it’s been a little while since I’ve played it but I don’t remember twitter being worked into the game at all. But hey, I don’t totally disagree with their sentiment so thumbs up from me.
I have an old friend who would absolutely love this game if it weren’t first person and I’m genuinely disappointed that he probably won’t share in what is sure to be many epic rounds of “Dude, did you see...”
I did not but in vague relation to everything, I once ate a quesadilla burger from Chili’s and it was like a grenade went off in my stomach.
Hmm...but is it garish enough for Fahey?
You know, that reminds me of this Mexican restaurant in the college town near where I grew up. I never ate there but one day the news reported that there had been an outbreak of what I seem to remember being Hep A. They closed for a while and eventually reopened. This was probably nearly 20 years ago but, in the back…
I’m glad you found something that works for you. I’ve always liked the vaguely more sci-fi aspect of liquid cooling but I am far too paranoid of leaking issues or pumps dying to go that route so I’ve always done air cooling. It doesn’t hurt that every time I looked in the case window after I first put a lovely,…
Now I’m forced to ask myself if I would have posted this if there weren’t a Sega logo in the background.
Damn, I’m glad I follow this column because I may not have discovered them otherwise. Really though, as much as I like the music I’m hearing, I’m here for the singer. She’s incredible. She owns the stage in the live version and the high note she holds at the end of Idol elevates the entire song for me. You picked a…
Oooh neat. The orbital drop might be the most compelling spectacle in convincing me to keep playing. That’s pretty damn cool.
Just imagine if they could somehow make their truck even MORE fuckable.
I can’t say I don’t somewhat understand. I was pretty demoralized when the first computer I put serious money into and built suffered from frequent blue screens due to a bad stick of RAM.
I really like it. I’m not quite sure it’s my personal favorite of theirs but it’s up there. They’re consistently awesome so I hope they keep doing well.
Is that from personal experience or just a concern? Granted, I’m only one dude with limited experience but I’ve never had or heard of anyone having heating issues with stock components and settings, unless something physically failed or wasn’t assembled correctly.
All I know about them is that Tran probably has more than $100k under the hood of his car.
At times like these, I go back to a phrase coined by Mike of Red Letter Media to describe male actors with a blandly attractive face: “He looks like man.”
That’s a shame, for me anyway. Obviously I never got all the way through it back in the day and the time or two I’ve revisited it in an emulator saw me getting bored before finishing it. Even with cheats that let you instantly level weapons up...I don’t know how players had the patience to do it normally back in the…
Since they were on the same episode, I recently came across this song while trawling YouTube for EXID videos. I had never heard it before but I definitely get it. The cover from the show isn’t bad either.
Jesus...154 million DS units sold. That’s staggering. I think I remember reading somewhere that the original Honda Super Cub sold something like 100 million in its lifetime and that’s cheap and reliable transportation.