
Friend, I have long since given up trying to follow American pop music...also am American. I fear I may be getting old.

I’m happy to see this here. Hot Pink is one of my favorite tracks of their and regularly gets stuck in my head while I’m cooking. Night Rather Than Day might be my favorite but Lady makes a good argument for itself. Plus, Lady has a stripped down version that is a pretty damn good listen on its own.

You actually can edit your posts, though I think there’s a 15 minute time limit.

I can’t imagine that. I look at the couple hundred hours each I have in Terraria, Skyrim, various Fallouts, Isaac, a couple other games, and I feel like a lunatic. Not that I really regret nor is it a judgement of anyone who devotes that kind of time to the games they enjoy. Love what you love. It’s just the last time

I like that one. I’m sure I’ll never think to use it in the moment but, when I reflect on it later that day or when I can’t sleep that night, I’ll definitely wish I had said it.

That basically jibes with my impression of the dish. You can tart it up but that’s not really the point of it. Personally speaking, omurice is my favorite way of using leftover rice. It kind of makes me think of chilaquiles or a breakfast casserole.

Oh yeah, in some ways for sure. I’m largely aware of the story prior to Yakuza 3, the first one in the series I played, so I probably could have happily gone right on to 6 before coming back around to the earlier games. Plus I am massively looking forward to it.

I’m loving 0 so far though that probably doesn’t mean all that much when I can say the same for every other game I’ve played in the series. Still, as big of a fanboy as I am, I can see why it enjoyed the kind of attention and popularity that the series has never really seen here.

I’m trying to finish them in the order I bought them. It’s been a great few years to be a Yakuza fan and after what felt like decades waiting on a localization of 5, to suddenly have all these games available to buy took more restraint than I was capable of. Well, I did manage to force myself to not preorder 6 the

You know, I was just thinking how odd it was for Cosby’s spokesman to evoke Trump in a case involving sexual assault.

Is that Narcis Prince? At around 50 of the guys in the Ginyu pose. You’ve already won me over, game trailer. You didn’t have to include one of the most punchable douches in video gaming.

That’s something I’ve wondered about from time to time. I know that mayo varies quite a bit. The only way to get something that tastes like Kewpie mayo is to make it or buy it from the Asian market down the road.

Don’t use them if you don’t want to. I’ve never felt like my omurice was lacking much by making it without meat and I’ve never used stock in the preparation of it.

*sigh* That looks nice. Taking ages to finish Yakuza 5 has put me so far behind the curve.

They don’t already hurt? Well SOMEONE certainly can’t be accused of humble bragging.

Mike has long been one of my favorite parts(quite possibly my favorite, but it’s a tightly packed group) of Kotaku so I’m a little embarrassed that I didn’t notice it was him that has felt missing from the site. I’m thrilled that he was able to get to the hospital quickly enough to save his life.

You just made me nostalgic for the former Dairy Queen back home. I still remember feeling like I was watching a magic trick the first time I saw them make a dipped cone. For some reason, I always felt too self conscious to order one for myself though. I wonder what the hell was going through kid me’s head.

That’s pretty damn good. I kept wanting to call it something like Ice Road Miners because I kept blanking on a good name.

Right? There’s a bat related heat move in 0 where Majima shoves the bat into the enemy’s mouth then like...fucking knocks it up and out with his knee. It’s hard to watch. Every time I see it it’s as if I’ve forgotten just how damn brutal it is.

I’ve always liked the goofy “Oh shucks, you taught us a lesson” scene after fights in the older Yakuza games. No matter how brutally you beat on them during the fight, they’re just a little mussed up afterwards. I’ve only seen the series break that once in Yakuza 5, I believe, when it glitched and one of the guys I