
Thankful that I finally, FINALLY finished Kingdoms of Amalur and never have to think of it again. As for what I’m going to play now...I’m pretty close to finishing the dune buggy dlc from Dying Light and closing the book on that game. I’m also not too far away (story mission wise) from finishing Just Cause 3. The last

Sounds that way. It might be troublesome if some equipment is tied to story progression. The host player might have something unlocked that the client player may not because they haven’t technically progressed that far. Or it might be fine...I have absolutely zero clue how it works in practice, beyond what the article

When I briefly got back into Subnautica a couple months ago, I tried that in desperation when I was trying to convince one of the juvenile big whatsits that it would be better to not sink my Cyclops. I didn’t have my punching hand but I did have a drill so I lassoed the doucher and rode it around until it fucked off.

I’m more disappointed in how weak the original verse is.

I’m not going to make rash generalizations about vegans as a group as a result of this or similar events. However, that “I felt sad for a few days after seeing that” joker...I can’t NOT make fun of her. It’s like asking the sun not to shine.

This is one Kotaku post that definitely resonates with me. Item collection animations, door opening animations, chest opening...tedious animations I suppose, is one of my biggest pet peeves in video games. For me, if the animations go on too long or won’t let me skip them, there’s a point where it’s detracting from

Ugh... morality police. Why do I feel like I’m covered in a gross, viscous slime?

White trash dip uses Ritz? Well la dee fucking da. I believe the inclusion of Ritz elevates it to “white trash gourmet spread.” I also like how two of the ingredients used aren’t even listed in the ingredients. That’s weak, Geri.

It’s to the point where anime might be in the first five things I mention to someone I’m meeting for the first time rather than a shameful secret that I don’t want to bother explaining. If nothing else, just about everyone is at least aware of DBZ, Sailor Moon, and/or Naruto. My only problem with mentioning anime to

I would have pursued acting if someone told me that someday I might get to eat cheese with Lydia Deetz.

That’s what I was trying to do but I could never really make her face look more mature in a satisfactory way. Like a goober, I didn’t realize until it was too late that you could browse uploaded user builds. I think I have a remodel coupon thing so I might give that a whirl. Her hair needs to be fixed anyway.

............. *sigh*

As far as something to help keep the larger portion of kimchi fresh, I like this guy. It holds a pretty significant amount, for single me anyway. If I eat some once a day...maybe two months? I’ve never paid that much attention to it. I know I once kept some for a few months after I made it and it never tasted off. I

Here comes that lingering shame I have from obsessing over my tamer’s appearance in BDO, only to find out later that they’re supposed to be like 16 years old. I felt like a creepy old man when I found that out...and still kind of do.

“We absolutely will not go anywhere until we get through the chorus and I only accept lyrics from Africa that reference our current situation as payment to break this covenant. You know this is the rule of my car and you chose to ride with me.”

See: my grandfather and dad pronouncing cottah pin.

The last time I visited my parents they were getting rid of a bunch of Nutrisystem meals due to a change in diet. Most of them were two years past the expiration date (some were three) but I figured I’d give them a try out of curiosity. Every single dry thing such as snack mix, cereal, pretzels, or just add water

You can chew it? I was wondering that myself.

Hunger or thirst will do that to you. I will forever maintain that the flat, bland, caffeine free, and near frozen diet coke I had after one particularly long and humid day of working outside was the best drink I have ever had.

Why would you holster your weapon in that scenario? Can other players see your weapon clipping through the wall? Just curious because I can kind of buy the player’s excuse.