
That’s it! I kept seeing the pools and rivulets of brine in my head but the name eluded me. And you aren’t kidding about it getting frightening at that point. That was the first time I had progressed that far in the story and the whole excursion was a little nightmare. All kinds of pits that plummeted far beyond my

Did you notice the triforce tattoo on her finger? Apparently all a pretty woman has to do to get me thinking about marriage is play Stardew Valley and have a triforce tat. I am so very simple.

Last year, mine started doing this. Thankfully, after I either got tired of fighting with it or fixed it, it stopped. Recently though it wakes up, at most, maybe 30 seconds after everything wound down when I told it to sleep. For a little while I could put it back to sleep from the Windows start up screen (before

Now playing

Speaking of, I recently came across this one from Soyou. It doesn’t make Sistar’s disbanding suck any less but it’s a cute, chill song and she’s adorable in the video.

At my Asian market, I believe it’s in the same section as things like soybean or red pepper paste. I think fish sauce is in the aisle over with soy sauce and various other oils but I’d imagine that you’re in the vicinity if you’re near it. At the very least it isn’t refrigerated.

Personally, I think they got it to a decent state performance wise by the time they were done. I sort of remember them doing further optimization since I’ve played so it might be in a better place. Except for the GTX 980(I have a 970) my computer hits the ultra recommended specs. While I had to back off on a couple

It depends on how you feel about the Rurouni Kenshin movies. I tend to avoid the ones that look terrible so I don’t have much to compare it to but I thought it was legitimately good

Now playing

Egads! The hollow is coming for us! Watch out for that ancient pottery, Rukia!

And now, having exchanged blows with their pans, these two men have a greater appreciation for the other’s feelings. What a manly display!

I need to find that module soon because it’s way too much fun cruising around and doing the whole mobile base thing. With the efficiency upgrade installed, I have enough spares to where I don’t sweat the drain all that much but silent running and sonar depletes them in a hurry. It’s ridiculous

I’m of the mindset of “if fits, I’m taking it there.” It hasn’t completely bitten me in the ass yet

He is a roughly person shaped, bipedal creature. I can see why they’d think that.

Ditto on the beacons. Carry more than you think. Plus, they’re cheap. I’d also say don’t be shy about adding lockers to the Cyclops when you get it. The built in storage is meager and there’s so much empty space, even after you put things down like a bed and grow bed.

I’m almost tempted to bet that I could make money by simply rolling dice while on a webcam, as long I’m hyped enough about the outcome.

I guess this means the UK doesn’t have Waffle House. Everyone knows that they’re the barometer for how well and truly fucked we may or may not be.

That’s almost exactly what I pictured. I can’t begin to describe my disappointment over the reality of it.

I don’t know who this Leslie Nielsen is, but I thought that Enrico Pallazzo guy was pretty good considering he was trying to stop an assassination attempt.

One Winged Angel, courtesy of the bathroom environmental setting in the old EAX software.

Yeah, he was all set to blow up the world back then. Man that was an awesome fight.