
My gawd the humidity, no.

Is this your way of telling me you're creative? Honestly..metal remix's of vidja games? And Halo to boot, the most mediocre fps on the planet.

No thank you.

It's quite apparent you've never created anything in your life.

Of course I did you dolt!

And what the hell, no DX11 support? It's 2011 for Christ sake! If this turns out to be true then this confirms yet another goddamned console port to PC.

Oh man, only 6gb of space required? So they're not using MEGAtextures from Id? This game's gonna suck hard! I need my MEGAtexture pop-in!

So anyDVD HD rips the bluray and is free? And what do you use to re-encode them to say mkv or avi or mp4?


Yes, like my 30 day trial of PowerDVD that came with my pricey LG Bluray drive.

What software do you use to play Blurays on your PC? I'll be gdamned If I'm going to pay PowerDVD $150 bucks just to have playback options on my Win7 pc.

If you don't think this whole strategy put into place by these corporate suits does not include all 3 installments being set at the price point of $59.99 then you're as delusional as Blizzard is these days.

No shit, and with D3 being the new online only MMO that wasn't, Blizzard is really turning out to be the corporate machine we all know and love.

And this says it all right here folks.

What a complete load of BULLSHIT!

I hear ya.

SLI is not only a pain in the ass, but generates twice the heat, and worse of all it imposes latency/microstutter that single GPU's don't

8gb ram is dirt cheap and the difference in cost wouldn't pay for an SSD.

Hahaha!..Oh you're being serious..
