
Jesus Christ what a bunch of slack jawed fucking lemmings you are.

And you wont be getting the horrible compression and artifacting issue's Onlive offers due to shitty, capped US broadband.

You sir are the enemy, I believe I saw your fingerprints on my last game.

1. I didn't make assumptions, I responded to your post which gave plenty of information as to what kind of tool you are.

You must be a real piece of work, snap judgements and douche baggery abound, you represent all that's fail in this generation of self entitled, clueless dipshits, the question that begs asking is what have you contributed to the world? My guess would be dick.

Atleast he's not a self righteous d-bag.

I actually thought It was one of their better videos of late.

Way to pick a fight like a school girl, atleast you're bright enough to realize PC is superior in every facet.

Boy, you're a quick study, nothin gets by you.

Hi! My name is Robert Bridenbecker! Even my name sounds douchey!

Wake up and read, it doesn't.

Xoom=piece of shit.

EA just needs to go away.

I'm always down for some education but I was playing this game 15 some odd years ago when I imported it for the ps1.


$16 bucks for a 20yr old port? On a PHONE?

If you look on Itunes, all their titles are overpriced.

Thanks Rob Pardo and Bobby Fuckstick, forcing your bullshit down customers throats means I'll just rip your shit off the interwebz and play it without your blessing.

I'm a Trucker and a Gamer..

I play Creed on PC but you sound the type who couldn't begin to comprehend why even If I explained all the advantages, so I'll just stop here.