
This "exclusive" shit is getting old.

@Neige: Comcast doesn't throttle anymore?..And you have proof of this right?..Didn't think so.

I'm slightly aroused..Is that wrong?..

Well..It's more than they ever did for Bioshock 2.

@Neige: I don't know what planet you live on but if i have 5 torrents running on my shitty 10mb cable connection i cant do a damned thing cause it throttles everything else, even surfing the net is like dial up.

@Neige: True but most use torrents which are usually slow as dirt and take hours and in most cases days to DL.

Am i the only one who's thinking this is going to be great for people with modded 360's and ps3's(yes, piracy is not just for pc's)who can now walk down to his 7-11/McD's, grab a diet coke, a snickers and CoD OPS, take it home, install it, take it back the next day and now he owns the game for $2.


@crizzyeyes: Isnt it hilarious that in the realm of politics, sex and most importantly religion, people shit their pants if someone says something they just cant handle.

@Chrono Abu Noura: I pray to Jesus, who would kick Allah's ass even if they used a mosque as their octagon.

@Brinsley :):You talk shit, I respond and now I'm the asshole?

The director's a real asshat, let's hope he makes a good film out of it.

@Brinsley :): Haha, blame the gf man, hey good one!

@Brinsley :): Lemmie guess, Mommy bought you your xbox but no PC?

@mutedia: Exactly, and Bioshock 2 hasn't received one fix patch in the 8 month's it's been out, hmm i see a trend here with 2K.

@Brinsley :): Good hell you sound like a moron with a Wii.

@Neural_Net: Sure..All those me, who paid good money for a rushed console port on the PC which received 0 support from 2K care at all do they?

@Brinsley :): Bio2 got solid reviews and sold well on the PC platform. seems i suck at links..