Tell him to give Stevie Ray Vaughan his hat back.
Even Blizzard is making better use out of Samus Aran than Nintendo.....
I don’t see any dicks drawn on the belly of that aircraft. Marine’s mission not accomplished yet.
Mutant League Football anyone?
Much like the Shadowrun rules. ;)
Probably not the reaction anyone expected from mixing acid with some bases.
And I bet 3/4 of the goretusk population is still missing a liver.
That’s also how the Donald dries his hair.
Quick! Tell us the last time the F-35 beat an older plane in a combat exercise?
Can’t beat this.
There can be only one! ;)
I like the scratches. She realized its shortcomings and doesn’t give a damn.
Go with Gods speed Corporal, with our blessing & a heavy heart...
Pretty much, the Japanese make an engineering wonder, the Americans build a crude but functional version, now all we have to do is wait for the Germans to make a flawless but ridiculously expensive version, and the Italians to make a pretty but stupid penis shaped robot.
there are now two giant, functional, manned robotic mecha-Gundam-Pacific Rim-giant-robot-whatever suits, and it looke like they’re gonna fight.
11. Stay indoors. Air conditioning is the crown jewel of modern civilization.