Compare to the US, where love is like a truck.
No, no, no. First, this ruling was against NFL PROPERTIES. This is a different entity than the NFL proper. The court's opinion reflected this, discussion the "necessity of cooperation" to bring the product to market. Every part of the court's opinion was about the cooperation with regard to merchandising. Even the…
@legerrid: See, I always thought that the "conversion" problem was that hardcore gamers are condescending twats who can't handle the fact that people like different things from them.
@Beardbeardly: I read that as The Chorizodome and now I'm really, really hungry. Thanks a lot.
@W10002: Two, actually.
@m3rcer, ex-Cobra Viper whos seen the light.: While some people dislike all-PvP, some people really love it and that's all they'd do anyway. People can disagree with the design decisions, but they did try something relatively interesting (and were clear well before launch what the Klingon side was going to be). Too…
@Ryodestined: *leads the tour group down the comments section*
@MrSnuffles: "By making the game easier you're just going to disappoint the 40% that did"
Time again for me to mention that Radiant Dawn is still in the top 5. Represent.
It's chicken cordon bleu. Except not as fancy because it doesn't have one of them-thar frenchy names.
@Veit: Rational, polite discussion what.
I'm calling for a moratorium on Orwell references. It's gotten worse than the Nazis.
"ESPN spoke to the EA Sports ratings czar and was told he'll be "the best trucking tight end in Madden this year," capable of running over defenders. He's going to have ratings of 80 speed and 92 acceleration."
@dunetiger - Still looking for Lan Di: I'll allow it.
Apparently Kotaku is now a repository for second-hand stream of consciousness quasi-fanfic. I guess this is the ultimate endgame of New Games Journalism? A long, rambling OMG fest that has little point and less coherence?
@Uzumaki_Kiba: Agreed, it seems pretty clear to me that is the point they're trying to make, so I have no idea why they beat around the bush so much. Maybe they were confused by the question? All sorts of weird stuff goes on behind the scenes in interviews.
Shorter this conversation:
@(Zombie) Jölan: Absolutely brilliant, all around. We're very excited to see where this goes. He reminds me of a more manic Davison.
@#c20920141: Courtesy my lovely cornellian wife.