
I think the real question is what should the gym use, if budget and space are a large concern (which they are in most commercial gyms, that’s why you don’t see new equipment regularly). You could get a single $1-1.5k+ machine that might do 2 exercises (potentially poorly, or ill fitting for some individuals), or get

If you like your back you won’t do torso twisting of any kind. You stay stable through the spine and get rotation through the hips. Abs are meant to protect the spine and prevent movement, not generate force or rotation.

In the small intestine you have isomaltase and maltase enzymes that readily digest the contents on IMO.

The problem is that the classification is incorrect. IMO starch should be treated like a highly digestible sugar alcohol instead of sugar (or just “other carbohydrate? idk). IMO starch happens to pass a “loophole”

Too bad Quest cheated.

Seldom is the inner thigh (adductor) so weak it’s causing a problem. In fact, it’s generally really tight in our sitting society. Strengthening without lengthening is a bad idea, though those suggestions to strengthen it are pretty much a joke.

Runners have no ass for a reason, the movement seldom recruits the

Probably one of the hardest exercises to coach for anyone who’s new to lifting, or just plays around in the gym. I generally avoid this unless I’m dealing with a more advanced trainee

I have a slight beef with the final mention of Quest Bars. The brand is sneaky and the research shows that you DO indeed digest all the IMO that’s in the bar (that’s the specialty prebiotic fiber BS). Research shows that it’s digested before the large intestines and processed by enzymes, meaning its sugar. That bar

but when you’re new and learning you should be learning the right way, correct? Correct.

I understand what you’re getting at, but the problem here lies with the fact that even in gen pop I seldom see people who sit 10-14hrs/day that can’t get into a decent squat position re: calve/heel position. As a trainer I see

Generally it’s stance that’s he biggest driver of a heel raise (which is caused by difference in hip structures)

but they are balancing more than already, and not using the arch when that happens. They should engage the toes down. The stance is generally the problem, not the cues

A qualified physical therapist who works with athletes (this rule applies to gen. pop.) will generally have you earn about 2-5 inches of knee-going-past-the-toe flexibility to work in a safe plane and be “optimal”. This is without losing the arch.

The knees should be past the toes when squatting optimally for a good

But what you actually want is 3 points of contact, it’s not a balancing game. You want the big, and little toe, as well as the heel in contact at all times. This will engage the arch, and typically ensures that your knees aren’t caving in.

The better recommendation for heels that raise is that your stance may be too

If you have an electric oven you’re going to have a lot of burned food. The oven is on essentially a “lo” broil when it’s preheating.

Seems to be a theme among Olympus for budgets. I have no real experience with non-smartphone cameras (so if you’re in the same boat keep reading). Got a refurb Olympus PEN EPL-6 for almost $200 and love it. Compact, precise, and as close to a point and shoot as you can get. My selling point was seeing so many

Seems to be a theme among Olympus for budgets. I have no real experience with non-smartphone cameras (so if you’re

These are great for spinning your wheels, but I’ll offer a better suggestion before I give my critique.

I'm surprised you guys aren't in on the Chefsteps joule release. I'm sure there's something money related, but lifehacker has posted a lot of their content over the years.

I'm surprised you guys aren't in on the Chefsteps joule release. I'm sure there's something money related, but

Was going to be all high and mighty about going to a school w a gym, then thinking about the debt I’m in! Anyway...

I just use steel cut oats, the quick cook kind. They reheat really well.

Shoes are a tough one. I don’t have wide feet, but I need wides due to the larger c shape my feet have, creating a wider base. I have skinny wide feet? Great

LH, you lost some serious points with this one. Scott Herman? You can do better than that.