
@voodoojoo: These always looked to me like they stopped short in a hurricane tailwind.

I'm heading out the door, will have to check these out later. But having visited Colorado last year, I know its a DOTS paradise. And last weekend I think I found DOTS East: Richmond, Va. Couldn't wander off with my camera, as I was with my wife, but any Jalops in that area should get busy.

If Chrysler is still around when this Sienna debuts, it will be the final nail. Except for the packaging trickery (Swivel 'n' Go), the current Caravan/T&C is underwhelming and not put together very well (I rented one last year). With the alternatives of the Odyssey, an even slicker Sienna, and the bargain-priced

@Turbolence88: I think I've finally figured out what's wrong with Honda styling. It's not just's cold, robotic. Kia (or a lot of others) can take the same general idea and give it some heat. Hard to put a finger on it, but there it is.

Something about this captures the spirit of the little Japanese notchback coupes of the '70s—Corolla, B210, Colt, etc. I like it.

Shame they ran out of grille.

There's a lot of Subie's driving around that are dead but don't know it yet. One of them lives down the street from me—hooned by its 20-something owner to a four-wheeled pile of dust, but still rolling. Like a headless chicken.

'86 Chevette.*

That's the most un-fussy front end I've seen on any new vehicle in a long time. That alone makes it look fresh, and the clean design carries over to the rest of it. This may be an affront to Jeep purists, but it's strategically smart; let's hope Jeep finds a home when the rest of Chrysler dies.

Agree with mr_hat here—the headlights are out of control. And something about that roofline has me thinking Saturn Ion. They've gone from endearingly ugly (think '70s-'80s) to tolerable and now to a new, more sophisticated kind of ugly.

For me, M-B has been approaching Toyota on the boredom scale for quite a while.

Looks like Chrysler put some energy into the flagship for the one piece of the operation likely to survive. Smart move, for once.

They should do this in a Dodge pickup and deliver to your door. Then it would be Rama Llama Ding Dong.

Challenger if GM survives, Camaro if GM dies. Sorry, the Camaro's just hotter. The more I see it, the more I like it.

This is Hot Wheels styling. And I mean that in the best possible way.

We did NJ to Dallas in 3 days several years back in our aging AWD Caravan—a family of 5 and all our stuff. The funk of sweat and stale french fries at the end was unforgettable, but it cemented that vehicle's place as a faithful and competent workhorse.

My 6th-grade teacher had one of those Country Squires—police surplus though, so no faux wood. Blue bottom, white top, holes in the sheet metal where they shouldn't be. A sleeper for a mild-mannered guy.

!st gen Riv FTW. One of the all-time great American designs.