Have *any* relationships from the original series worked out besides Andy and Lucy?
Have *any* relationships from the original series worked out besides Andy and Lucy?
Something about the actor reminded me a bit of Tom Baker, though I'm terrible with faces. (And no, I'm not suggesting a Twin Peaks/Doctor Who crossover!)
Wayward Pines?
Well, Lost comparisons aside, I think it's been hinted before that Glastonbury Grove in Twin Peaks is not necessarily the only way someone can travel to and from the Lodges. Philip Jefferies seemed to turn up at the FBI building in Philly through the power lines in Fire Walk With Me. And the glass box in New York City…
That does seem like a possibility - he can't have much of a life to go back to at this point.
Could be. Though I've always seen the discussions of "other dimensions" as they relate to TP as being about the physical/material world and a sort of "spirit world" of which the Lodges are at least a major component, as opposed to a multiverse situation with similar but non-identical worlds inhabited by different…
I did not kill her. I did not. Oh hi Tammy.
I don't think it's "padding." Lynch likes to screw around with pacing and capture awkward moments like that. The three cops in this episode remind me a little of the
cops who come to Fred & Renee's house in the first part of Lost Highway, a scene that also had its share of awkward pauses, flat line delivery, and IIRC…
Maybe also remembering his own checkered past and the bad things he did at the time. My take on young Bobby was that he was more hotheaded than truly malicious and was capable of empathy underneath the tough-guy persona, and he probably genuinely feels guilty about the harm he caused others in retrospect.
Yeah, I felt a tiny bit of sympathy when nobody moved to open the door, partly because I have to do that at work too, i.e. get through a door with a plate and cup in hand while also swiping my access card.
I don't think there's any way they're working together - her reaction at the prison didn't seem at all like an act, and she could be doing more to throw them off course than just saying "fuck you" to everybody if she's on DoppelCooper's side.
I think I like her partly from having read the Frost "Secret History" book, which makes it pretty clear that she's a smart and competent FBI agent. Maybe she's kind of a strange person, but obviously the FBI of the Twin Peaks universe hires some strange people. Cooper, Cole, Albert, Sam Stanley from FWWM - put Mulder…
I heard it was on the way. I don't know much about what's supposed to be in it.
Maybe we're in the Fallout 4 universe and you haven't yet leveled up enough. I hear Preston knows of some settlements that need your help….
Hmmm. It's a bit of a labored question, since most video game worlds tend to be kind of dangerous and thus not exactly conducive to eternal life, though I suppose you're usually playing a character facing a significantly above-average amount of danger.
Honestly, my knowledge of MMOs is mostly limited to (1) two failed attempts to get into "The Secret World" and (2) playing "Dragon Age: Inquisition" and hearing others say "why did Bioware put all this boring MMO crap into this game?"
If you think fetch quests are boring now….
I suppose it's possible that we could create theoretically immortal virtual consciousnesses some day, though you still have several big problems:
Stop trying to make Mean Girls fatigue happen. It's not going to happen.
Regarding the woodsman's chant, my take was that he was announcing to the evil Lodge spirits that Earth was a prime target for them, especially since we know from FWWM that they feed on pain and suffering. In that sense, humankind represents a well full of water for them to drink. The "horse" part I'm not sure about,…