Or she's kind of psychic, like she has EPSN.
Or she's kind of psychic, like she has EPSN.
They should have Tad O'Malley from the X-Files revival turn up and declare that Jacoby is actually part of the conspiracy, spouting pretend conspiracy theories to distract everybody from the *REAL* conspiracy!
"I’d already fully gone south on the show, but learning last year that Donald Trump’s campaign specifically targeted The Walking Dead’s audience really drove home the extent to which the show plays on ugly fears of “alien” invasion, and its tactic approval of the idea that it’s acceptable to jettison every principle…
Personally I've always loved this TV series, corny special effects and all. I think it perfectly captures the mix of whimsy and melancholy that makes Hitchhiker's what it is. And the final scene, with Arthur and Ford musing on the history of humanity with "What a Wonderful World" playing over the credits, and then the…
Yeah, this is what I keep coming back to - even if you grant the show all its plotting, scheming, and over-the-top antics, politics just doesn't work like this.
I thought maybe the "in case you don't know what's going on" aside was partly a vehicle for Frank to make his "section blah blah blah, subparagraph bullshit bullshit" joke.
I'd estimate that the autopsy bay and all the equipment there is worth $26,000.
Re: characters showing up just to do something weird in the original TP - maybe none in a scene as long as Wally Brando's, but the pilot had the guy doing some sort of weird dance in the hallway at the high school and the hospital employee who says "Jim" when Cooper asks him to leave the room. If FWWM counts, then…
I don't think the implication was necessarily a sexual harassment issue per se, though it could still be something very problematic - namely, that Cole tends to pick attractive female agents to work for him on important cases, but not necessarily that he makes inappropriate advances towards them.
I thought of that, though I guess maybe the idea is that everyone is preoccupied and/or probably used to a certain amount of strange behavior from people who have just been partying a little too hard.
Could have been, though the Arm was there in the original. Obviously there's an RL reason why he wasn't this time around (the actor's absence from the cast), but it could also mean that Laura is whispering something different this time.
Thanks. I have the Blu-Ray box set which I think includes FWWM, so I'll see if it's included.
What is "The Missing Pieces"?
I'm not sure that Laura's and Cooper's interactions in the Lodge happen according to linear time. In the original series, we find out that Laura wrote in her diary about having the dream where she tells Cooper about BOB *before* she is killed, and Cooper later "receives" this dream after coming to investigate her…
I don't think there's any MD/TP crossover in the works here. Lynch does sometimes re-use actors (Kyle being exhibit A, but also Jack Nance, Laura Dern, and probably some others I'm not thinking of at the moment), and I don't think Naomi Watts's character has anything to do with her role in MD.
So is everyone sure that Bobby has in fact reformed? Don't misunderstand me - I think he probably has - but I couldn't help but wonder if he had something to do with the drugs sneaking past the surveillance cameras that he was talking about with Hawk.
I don't think it's Sarah Palmer - I suspect she does her drinking at home, so that would be a strange way for Albert to express knowing where to find her. I thought maybe it was cutting to whoever "she" is at the nightclub, but I guess that was just another musical finale.
Right, but he still didn't have what he wanted most - Chuck's approval and respect.
I think your reading of Chuck is fair in some ways, in that this is what he thinks he's doing, i.e. acting to protect the legal profession from Jimmy and to protect Jimmy from himself, even if he's also driven by jealousy at a level he doesn't quite recognize. However, I don't think Jimmy was necessarily planning to…
I actually wouldn't be too surprised if the book is left mostly unaddressed, with the implication that either it's not quite canon and/or the folks responsible for the various "documents" just made mistakes in places, e.g. Hawk having Nadine's maiden name wrong.