
Yeah, what was the exchange with Gabriel about? If the two of them had a significant conversation before her attempt to kill Negan, it's escaping my memory at the moment.

Some day, someone needs to explain what exactly makes Rick this Super Awesome Great Leader. I suppose he's better than the cartoon-villain antagonists that they set him up against (the Governor, Gareth and whoever else was calling the shots at Terminus, the lead "Claimer" guy, and now Negan), but that isn't really

I mentioned this once before, but are there other shows that move as slowly and/or use this many "cutaways" as TWD does?

And it didn't occur to him that the doctor might confess just to avoid getting the iron to the face? Or that Dwight, already a known malcontent, might have made this up?

I have to say that I didn't think I would ever hear a They Might Be Giants song on The Walking Dead under any circumstances.

The thing is, those polls probably mostly tell you where a Bernie vs. Trump campaign would have *started*, not much about how it would have ended. (And I like Bernie and have been in the "Democrats should be more economically populist" camp for years now.) It certainly would have been a very different kind of

Sweden should have built a wall to keep the zombies out and made Norway and Finland pay for it, but their government are a bunch of losers who were too stupid to do it. Sad!

They were probably thinking of all the times his awesome plans worked out for everybody, like…uh…um…yeah, OK, never mind.

You'd almost expect to see Jon Pertwee or Tom Baker walk up to Rick and offer him the use of the sonic screwdriver.

I'm a poor judge of acting ability, but it does seem as if Rosita has been randomly getting the spotlight for reasons that don't have a whole lot to do with each other. I'm still not sure if there was any established basis for her being an explosives expert prior to the previous episode, and the conflict with Sasha

He probably *should*, but I'm not sure if that was really what was motivating him in that scene. It seemed more like he just wanted to let Carol feel at peace with her decision to stay out of this.

No, Trump always has the best press conferences. I bet the lying media and those millions of illegal voters were the ones who caused the zombie apocalypse.

Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra.
Rick, in the pit. The zombie, his armor spiky.
Shaka, when the trash pile fell.
Rick and Jadis against the Saviors.
Sokath, their eyes uncovered!

Some random thoughts:

I kept wondering if the episode was going to address the thing I always think of when I hear about these "let's upload our brains and be digitally immortal" notions. Namely, it seems that what's happening is a copy/paste of someone's consciousness into the VR environment as opposed to a transfer. The Yorkie and Kelly

Well, and Victoria herself - who is the one being "fooled" - probably isn't going to notice those things amidst all the chaos surrounding her either.

I don't think the judges are slaves, exactly. I think perhaps there are two (perhaps mutually compatible) interpretations of what happens at the end:

Perhaps the most unbelievable stretch was that nobody witnessed the Princess being released early - surely *some* people would have been sufficiently disgusted by this whole thing as not to be watching it, and thus would have seen her outside.

I think it's a giant flying killer walrus.

I don't think Spencer actually wanted Rick killed, just deposed - and he figured that Negan, given that he has the Alexandrians cowed, could simply announce, "From now on I'm dealing with Spencer as your leader instead of Rick." I think that's why he was hesitating a bit when Negan asked him why he didn't just kill