Flying Squid (Today is my last day on Kinja. Bye.)

1 We have little to no long-term surface temperature data from Mars, particularly at anything resembling the abundance of sensors we have for Earth. So trying to point to Mars and saying that it’s experiencing a long-term global warming or cooling trend is a huge extrapolation from very little data.

Well, he more slithered out of the interview, but I get your point.

The only thing better was Triumph’s take on fresh air about gene simmons.

I am also sure that any reality-based person would not use the comments section of this article to attempt to distract from the topic of the article, which is that Northern Hemisphere sea ice shows a multidecadal decrease in extent and thickness.

This is some good data visualizations. I am sure that any reality-based person who looks at these visualizations of those data will come to the conclusion that Arctic sea ice is in a precarious position due to human influences on global temperatures.

Heh, in retrospect, if you ask my parents, they did. Two stubborn, argumentative people with money management problems should not get together.

You’ve done a commendable job repeating yourself over and over and over and over again. I would’ve given up about 17 times ago.

Yes, that’s very true. I’m just saying that the fact that they weren’t living together doesn’t necessarily have to do with his assertion that Burton’s not bereaved. He was saying their marriage wasn’t real as evidenced by the fact that they never lived together. If their marriage was just to prevent deportation,

And that part made Apocalypse worth while. I just wish in the new Wolverine movie they show the aftermath of his breakout and maybe introduce a bit of Alpha Flight in the story.

thats what was on your divorce papers

President Obama is expected to weigh in soon.

is this gonna be like a ben affleck thing where brad goes and lives in george clooney’s pool house for a few months because

Makes sense, she can’t stay with someone for too long. Otherwise they start asking questions about how she never ages and needs permission to enter people’s homes.

My work office is abuzz that he supposedly had an affair with Marion Cotillard when they filmed Allied. Which, if true, shouldn’t shock anyone including Angelina, as that is how she and Brad got together in the first place. Seems like his MO.

Any theories yet as to what the Antikythera Mechanism skeleton was used for?

I knew it! The entire planet was once ruled by skeleton people!

Stein is anti-science, or at least comfortable with courting the votes of anti-science voters.

No thank you. That’s William Weld’s job.