Got it. No judging people for going to KKK rallies.
Got it. No judging people for going to KKK rallies.
Covent Garden in the mid 1600s must’ve been a real scene!
Jessica Jones and Daredevil are based on comics, so I wouldn’t call them original content.
You didn’t give any of those criteria. All you said was, and I quote:
Based on my personal definition of morality, murder is immoral. I guess judging murderers is slut-shaming them.
The fact that you’re human entitles you to pass a moral judgment on them. What gives you the right to think that others don’t?
Or they were just wrong because they weren’t with him... and so what if it was suspicious? Who deserves to dies for being suspicious?
Too bad the police never said he pointed the weapon at them.
Please go read the 900 responses I’ve already made to people explaining that IT WAS A FUCKING COMPLEMENT.
I said the same thing but with far less judicious use of words. Thank you.
The police excuse for shooting him was that he had a gun.
That’s absolutely insane.
Good point.
An interview would show you that she isn’t stupid or dull or boring.
Yeah, she’s not. Go watch an interview with her some time.
Maybe it’s just me, but I have a very hard time picturing someone being married to Angelina Jolie and cheating on her with Marion Cotillard. I’m not saying Marion Cotillard isn’t beautiful, but she’s not Angelina Jolie.
I have no idea.
I agree. They are not sandwiches. Because reasons.
And it’s legal to have a firearm as long as you obtained it legally, so even if he did get out of the car armed, their response was bullshit.
But even if he did get out of the car with a firearm...