
In any other administration on Earth she would have stepped down by now and promised to repay. Instead we have an administration defending this kind of reckless spending while clamping down on low cost social programs because they cost too much. People say the US has become too partisan. But the reality is Democrats

Opening schools does need to happen. Schools are vital for many at risk children and there is serious risk to children in terms of physical and mental health if they don’t go back to school. Not to mention the very significant impact to education needs. Epidemiologists, pediatricians and mental health experts the

I disagree that it was politically prudent the moment Trump said the words in May. In the 24/7 news cycle of shit that comes out of the Trump administration even the revelation now will be buried and well out of the general public’s opinion by election day. At least it is out at a time it can be part of a debate

Bolton MIGHT have been able to actually participate in the impeachment process. Not that it would have changed anything. But him skipping testimony for a book deal is truly a betrayal of the public interest. Woodward wouldn’t have an impact other than at this moment. In fact it could be argued that he waited for the

So this isn’t related to the article but actually to an insult you used:

Its already happened.  The national guard killed David McAtee on June 1st.

Why is everyone assuming he is doing this out of the kindness of his heart. If he cooperates he will either have to testify and face cross-examination. The defense would make this all about Christian Cooper, he already admitted to threatening her dog on twitter. They will look through his past to find all the

Can you spot the person unable to look at this objectively and probably didn’t even read the entire Christian Cooper story? Hint, its you.

I don’t want to say its made up to get around qualified immunity for the cops, but that’s what it seems to be if you ask me.  Since this is all on the civil side they don’t have to actually prove this conspiracy beyond a shadow of a doubt.  So like you said, by suggesting this they open the city up to civil damages

While I am inclined to believe this, I am also skeptical. This would plot requires lying to a judge to obtain a warrant. It would implicate the city as well as the police in perjury and open them up to at the minimum negligent homicide charges. The risks (to the city/police) associated with implementing no-knock

Its now been confirmed that armed protesters returned fire and injured the shooter. I just want to amend my previous comment.

Apparently there was a planned counter protest by “militia” types for the day of the shooting. In response there were protesters, utilizing their 2A rights, that were armed for protection as well at the park. What hasn’t been made clear is whether or not there was an exchange of gun fire that would account for the

I love that his orange make-up is smeared all over the inside of his collar!

More over the Moors had nothing to do with the Spanish Netherlands, which are just the Hapsburg control Netherlands or Holland. That whole paragraph is bonkers.

Citations needed.  You have made a lot of empty suggestions that don’t have a lot of journalistic backing.  End of the day the US fabricated, yes FABRICATED, the evidence that was used to justify the war.  Powell was party to that fabrication.

The cynic in me sees this as a move to up-hold the status quo. To me any Republican defection should be viewed through the lens of maintaining the status quo. And I don’t mean restoring norms of politics and governance. But of the institutions (police, military), corporatism and the military-industrial complex.

Seeing as the last time Canada was critical Trump stopped needed PPE from entering the country and cost us REAL lives. Or the time before that where he put tariffs on Canadian good costing us REAL jobs. Or the time not to long ago where Trump threatened to militarize the fucking border.

I think I can understand what the NY Times op-ed board was doing and it wasn’t trying to both sides this. Suppressing what Tom Cotton says, prevents his voice from being heard by people who will be moved to act against him. What he said in his op-ed is so deranged, so out there, that most will see if it for what it is.

“He wears the armor of god”

What good does it matter that he said it?  Before Trump all the Republicans paid lip service to confronting systemic racism. Hollow words without action to follow it up.  We should demand more of our leaders.