
Those are some fun cars, if only I didn't hate the interiors so much...

Yup, though you should have posted that on February 1st

Oooo if you like hoppy beers take a look at the Victory Golden Monkey, I had that last night, really good flavor and a kick in the face.

so, um, am I the only one that liked what I saw? cause, yea, I likes...

well, as someone with a functioning pair, I'd be interested, I think. Actually, sign me up for the ultrasound, as long as there is no pain, and as long as I can certain I will not get someone preggo, I'll be fine.

yup, and for that, you deserve a beer. This is a really good one.

yup, I can agree with that.


I like having my fog lights on, it makes my presence more known.

I for one am very excited about this car, I can't wait for comparos.

Touche, sir, touche.

and hilarity would ensue

I guess you didn't understand, and this can happen everywhere. I'll try to explain.

Well, and I'll say this without being condescending (unlike you), I was confused by the fact that you told me not to do something that clearly worked on you. See how that is contradicting?

ok, enlighten me, how do I have "entitlement" ?

Don't you think that instead of loving it, that it actually kind of sucks? I mean, sure, I have a gigantic family, get plenty of attention from my girlfriend, and have plenty of friends, so I really have no need to get to know other people, but don't you think you'd be better off, instead of burying your face in your

I've been to enough communities and places to have been catcalled, hit on, and harassed. I've also been very inappropriately touched, I've been in very compromising situations, and have had to be careful in some situations. This isn't one isolated event either...

I'm not saying just women are cold, people in general are. Everyone seems to just want to shut off the world and listen to their MP3 players. It sucks. I also never catcall, and can't find a logical reason why that would ever work, so why do it?

I give smile nods to everyone, old, young, male, female, black white, small, big, I don't care.

I never leave anyone I pass "alone" if someone, anyone, looks up, I do the small smile and nod, I don't believe in this stupid disconnection that seems to exist within people, it's just not in me, maybe it's my culture, but I refuse to not acknowledge other human beings. This has led me to a lot of interesting convos,