
isn't that the point of being a teenager? You rebel a little bit, you find what you like, you have sex, if you can, and explore the intricacies of relationships. I was the ripe old age of 15 when I was exploring my sexuality with an 18 year old senior. I was a junior, but because I skipped a grade, she was 3 years

To read about or hear of partner abuse is just plain sickening. How can you hurt the person that has brought you, and continues to, bring you so much pleasure? How can you punch someone in the eye one day, then sleep with that person a week later, then have sex with that person?? I really don't understand how that is

oh I was aware that people load their own bullets, I just never heard of packing a shotgun shell with rock salt.

good idea

Yea, that's what I first thought, it looked like everyone was just doing a free for all.

sounds about right

I like where this is going...

We're not doomed, but it is true, the engineers from the 60s and 70s were much better than the current crop of engineers. Speaking as an engineer, I would wholeheartedly agree. It takes much more time and money today to make a new system than it did back then. We also can't replicate much of the rocket technology that


you can buy shells packed with rock salt? or did you make it yourself?

The fact that you need to lawyer up after shooting an intruder in your home is really not reasonable. There should be an investigation to make sure you just didn't murder someone for no reason, but you really should have to lawyer up.

No love for the M60?

That was pretty cool.

Um, actually, I'm not full of shit. I never said the government has no fault in this. I'd go as far to say that it's pretty much entirely the government's fault, but it's a two way street, and the contractors operate almost as an extension of the government, and not as a well oiled machine that a business should run

Although this is important, it wouldn't stop us from doing what we want. I will still do whatever the hell I want with whatever I posses. Kthxbye!

no, it's the guys, we like that sorta stuff, apparently...

Welcome to planet earth, where wasting money is par for the course.

fair enough, but every politician is only interested in getting elected... What's your point exactly?

Not to go too far into information I shouldn't be sharing, but I am very close friends to a lot of people in the defense industry, and from all of the stories that they tell me, I keep getting one very problematic issue: Our engineers don't know what the hell they are doing. There is technology from the 50s, 60s and

awesome... I love me some Seinfeld.