@WhiteMÃ¥ge is in fact a boy, damnit: Only possible explanation for such an obliviousness regarding human culture... Aliens who walk amongst us AM CONFIRMED!
@WhiteMÃ¥ge is in fact a boy, damnit: Only possible explanation for such an obliviousness regarding human culture... Aliens who walk amongst us AM CONFIRMED!
@einsteinsquandry: Hmm anybody think they might knock of a small piece of the price for pre-purchase a little closer to release? I'm pretty sure its been done before.
Well from what i've heard. Conan could quite if he disliked the airtime and still get maid the millions of dollars which his 4 year contract entitles himto.
@Cursa: Teh Outrage!!!
I bought it... Yesterday, FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU!!!
I was there!
@EyeR8: Not to mention the like 4 different fast food places in that hall. Pizza, Kebab, Tacos, Langos and god knows what else the smell is quite unreal...
@apoc_reg: Well there are some major interface differences between the two versions, just like Dragon Age.
@eimajtl: Replying to the last paragraph which was obviously pointed at me.
@kingmanic: And Tolkien poached from norse myth. Hell Snorri Sturluson have soooooo much royaltys to collect. The guy would be loaded.
@eimajtl: So you admit that you are in fact a troll...
@eimajtl: My douche-sense is tingling.
@ChaosProxy: Worldwide deaths from the H1N1 strain according to the ECDC.
@James Henderson: Well atleast Pac-Man encourages kids to eat their veggies... And uh banish evil spirits.
@1Mystic-G: Yes they would because the vast majority of games these days have gamepad support. I probably play like a third of my games using a 360 controller. So its the exactly the same game except for a lower price and better graphics (most of the time).
@Communist Agenda: Only (from what i've heard) you can play on [IW.net] using a cracked copy of the game.
@dracosummoner: Ebony goodness [borat]High Five[/borat]
@1Mystic-G: SF with a keyboard... Yes because an open system like a windows computer doesn't allow ANY input method except kb/m amirite?