
If people are willing to line up for several hours (or even overnight) for a new iPhone or iPad, I doubt they would just change their minds on a whim.

Some call Flash a feature, others call it a handicap.

And what is the chance that Apple's legion of lawyers will sit on their hands and say "Yup, we're cool with this" ?

That water looks quite disgusting and lifeless. Amazing that its there at all.

In Jobs' biography, he details how he nixed the iPhone with a scroll wheel fairly late in the development process.

I couldn't care less about his/her money & time.


Adobe admits it themselves (sort of): mobile flash sucked.

Lion's been out for three months (and was in beta for many more) but Mozilla is still lagging behind!

I know this is slightly unrelated, but in that picture things may not be a chaotic as it seems.

Well their homepage better have a lot of blue on it. Otherwise people will think that guy is a Smurf.

"Apple carried out research into breathing rates during sleep and used that figure to derive a model for how the light should behave to create the most relaxing atmosphere and make the product seem more human than robot."

"Yup, I sit in front of a computer with a blue screen all day turned up to 100% brightness"

I guess that's also happened to the Mac computer arena. Sure, Apple doesn't have majority market share (far from it) but Apple has created a highly profitable (albeit small compared to windows & the PC) niche, where it can happily live.

While the latest iterations of IE are fairly decent, I was forced to use IE 6 at a local library several months ago and IE 6 was terrible . It was like trying to browse the web with a wet roll of toilet paper, it just didn't work.

I can tell you now who is definitely going to win from this case... and it is *drum-roll *...the lawyers.

Nature is truly amazing.

Is this battery issue something to do with iOS 5? As in, is it a universal issue with all iOS devices on iOS 5?

Cue people who (line up?) and buy the product just to smash it on the pavement. Damn, I hate those people.

Ah, Snake. It was the first game I've ever played on a mobile phone.