
I love my trophy screenshots of blank loading screens.

As an acrophobe (Victory Tower was not my friend at Ft. Jackson), this is exactly why I will -not- be investing in VR tech.

...I mean, I will eventually, but I won’t be purchasing software that requires me to save a cat sitting on a 2x4 suspended from the lip of a high-rise.

I have a cat, and I love that furry

You mean you’re leaving?

Facts and data be damned! I will rant anyhow!!!!!

A car that costs over twice what I can afford to spend for a car?

Man, installing deadbolts on my house is a pain in the ass. I’m just going to wallpaper over the door and climb in through the windows....

Well, if it’s like a lot of early dev kits the controller/portable might be the only interesting part at this point. Here’s a picture of a Game Cube dev kit for instance. It doesn’t exactly reflect the final hardware in any way except the four controller ports.

Interesting. I can honestly say I have never enjoyed touchscreen gaming more than gaming with buttons though. I also have a phone for touchscreen games so I am not so sure I’d be a customer if this is the control scheme and it is indeed touch based.

Neogaf users have gone crazy over the photos, the Swedish keyboard layout and the semi distinctive tree in the TV stand reflection led them to a picture of Massive Entertainment. A huge stretch, but it could be plausible.

Huzzah. I am an IT Manger. Tripp-Lite is the way to go. There are models that show Amps being drawn so you’ll know before you blow a circuit.

Lets not forget Dante Stallworth killed a man while drunk driving and received the same one year suspension that a guy smoking weed has received.

I wish that the division wasnt shackled to the Tom Clancy name. With that name comes a style and tone that I think destiny does a better job with.

One thing that this game has done better than destiny and it’s a big thing is that there are a dick load of side quests and side missions to finish after you hit level thirty. Trust me I did it last week. So the DZ isn’t the only stuff for you to do once you hit 30, and it’s definitely not the only place for you to

I figuratively can’t do anything at all and I very easily managed to install a bunch of these in my house. It’ll change your life. I opted for the type that lets you keep both your outlets:

Any chance of Fi being available to non-Nexus phones? Rumors, even?

Let me get this straight. This asshole works for his nice things by building companies and providing goods and services that people gladly pay him for and you go out of your way to shit on him. [Which is fair since, as I stated, he can be an asshole]

Remote Play on PC is HUGE if you have a wife and only one good TV in the main living/family room area.

I think anyone that owned a VW and saw the value drop 15-20%+ and was offered a tiny deal on a new car might still be miffed.

This can’t die soon enough. To both “Damn Daniel” and swatting.