
FYI, if you have any weapon cores from running POE, Varkis has a heavy machine gun you can use for the quest.

Jealous you’re playing on PS4...I’m on PC and it’s empty, I haven’t been matched in a single MP game.

Until they found me at a gas station 280 miles away- when testing other SUVs

Oh! My mistake, it sounded like it and the new Chromecasts were out today. Thanks for the reply!

Dumb question that I’m sure I could just try and mess with, but save me the effort while I’m at work? If I wanted to install the Chromecast app just to browse around and see what I’d be able to watch if I had a Chromecast, can I do that, or will it make me set up/connect to a device first?

But Beyonce making $50 million a year is totally cool.

Some Founding Fathers warned against political parties, and this is likely the reason why.

Outside of all these practice realities, I think it’s growing ever-more-clear that a government shutdown means that this just isn’t working anymore... This can not be what the founders of this nation intended for us.

what a refreshingly honest approach to admitting having been dishonest.

Wow dude. Try to HIDE how butthurt you are. It’s not a good look to show it off.

And yet, here you are, on an iOS specific post complaining.

I would like to not grant permission to the ios weather app, reminders, itunes, tips (WTF is this anyway?), stocks, and apple watch.

He’s a ridiculous candidate and a despicable human being, but there is definitely a lesson that candidates who aren’t sociopaths and bigots should learn from Trump: There’s a lot of people out there who prefer unrehearsed gibberish to a well constructed thought that comes out rehearsed. I’m not saying someone should

Nice, but it looks like it would be a massive pain to get out of the socket should you ever want to.

Nice, but it looks like it would be a massive pain to get out of the socket should you ever want to.

This is pretty much my answer, too. I splurge on everything, because I’m very selective with what I buy in the first place. I’d rather buy one fleece that lasts ten years than one annually for ten years.

I prefer to own less, and spend on those things I actually use a lot. I pay for good shoes. I buy the best computer that fits my needs when I need a new one. Hell, I splurged on a Timbuk2 messenger bag, and it’s the toughest well made bag I’ve ever owned.

Someone needs to call Naughty Dog and ask to borrow the Uncharted environment tech. The sand from 3 and the mud from 4 (per the upcoming demo) is pretty remarkable.

Unlike this snow which is, apparently, UNmarkable.

I’ll see myself out.

NFC payments on Google Wallet just gave the reader your card information. Android Pay uses randomly generated tokens to make the transaction more secure.

Kotaku, a snack website that occasionally covers video games, back in 2013. (Sorry, Fahey.)

Actual mugshot