
I can think of a few things:

Just remember right wing extremists have planned more attacks and killed more Americans than Islamic terrorists have:

And just like that, you’ve helped me understand why conservatives don’t like the idea of educated, working women. They see them as baby machines and anything that prevents them from popping out more babies is a bad idea.

Why wouldn’t you just use Google Play Music(Again honest question). The browser player is fine. And for any song google play doesn’t have, I just use youtube red OR download a copy of the song from youtube and upload to my account via Dropbox->GooglePlay music agent on a laptop I have running at home.

I don’t feel the same way. I’m willing to bet that 8 year old girl didn’t want to murder me or think that I was sub-human because of my skin color. However, I would be willing to bet a kkk member did. For that reason, I’m glad he’s dead. Screw him, his racist family, and their friends. My sympathies do go out to the

Here’s a crazy idea, how about instead of people having to hope for a very large tip, we just pay them enough to afford rent!? No? That sounds crazy? Well, it was just an idea.

he considers himself a friend of the president-elect

Yeah, I don’t believe her.

I don’t know why “Dump” or “Dump tower” hasn’t occurred to me before. But now that i’ve seen it, that’s what I will always see when I see his name. I’ll never be able to read his name or see his face with out cracking a smile. Thank You.

It doesn’t look like they’ll cover most of the wing. the liquid is going to go the path of least resistance just like the bottle which means it will just pool at the bottom of the wing.

Hi, I’ve been flying for 13 years, so I think I have a decent understanding of the subject(so does the FAA which is why they renew my license privileges every two years).

You forgot about mike pence. You get rid of a greedy narcissistic sociopath and replace him with a regressive religious fundamentalist. as bad as the former is, that’s still better than the latter.

Black child. Which to the department and most likely most of texas means it’s justified.

Hopefully it will weaken police unions then.

Smart Man. Have you read his book? It’s as bad as you think it would be, but it at least gives you a window into his mind.

Given the political and news climate we’re in, i’m not sure if your joking or not. I’m also not sure that the president elect or somebody close to him hasn’t had that thought.

and White boards. The real most invaluable tool in STEM.

Interesting. I did not know that. Does that mean this is closer to a fecal implant than DNA contribution?

Why? What caused this huge shift in your opinion? and when did it start?

Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy: Earth Section