Lol the only person I knew that good upset? A Puerto Rican woman...go figure...
Lol the only person I knew that good upset? A Puerto Rican woman...go figure...
Mr. Clarkson! I’m a huge fan can I have your autograph!?
That thing you don’t understand, it’s called a sense of duty.
Have you watched any of those clips they’re funny high, drunk, or sober. Uptight much? and what kind of clown says weed head. Pothead, stoner, burnout, weed head just sounds dumb.
I’m so confused why he says the things he does. Honestly, just from a practical getting elected perspective, Does he not realize that women can vote? Does he honestly think women will vote for him when he says things like this? For that matter does he realize Muslims can vote? So can Hispanics? I’m not trying to be…
After seeing her her in action yesterday, I can’t think of anybody else running that is better equipped to deal with Putin.
But here’s the sad part. Considering most people that use the rushcard are poor and financially illiterate, they probably have no idea what FDIC insurance is and no idea how to take advantage of it.
Philosophically, maybe that’s a tough question but in practice it’s not. The car should be doing all it can to keep it’s occupants safe. If you have two autonomous cars on the market( One that is programmed to keep it’s occupant safe and the second to keep as many people safe as possible) The first one will outsell…
Many Hispanic cultures put a high value on Machismo, yet they don’t have this problem.
This is America, you get a gun.
Yeah i’m calling BS on this and other “Reefer madness” excuses. No amount of Marijuana(smoked or eaten) makes you climb through a window of broken glass or shoot anybody. Getting off the couch or out of bed is an adventure. Your not going to be climbing through any windows.
Donald Trump is running AND leading in the polls. At this point, whatever dude, Madonna, a shoe, your next door neighbor, a giraffe. Put them on the ballot. Let’s see what happens.
Nobody except, THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX!!! Where they go, you don’t even need a money. Because they have so much of the taxpayer’s it doesn’t matter.
Yeah those would work too. Those come up, I just choose to say Hi! first for a specific reason. Also, nobody is suppose to know about Joe’s Brewhouse...things happen there that should not be spoken of....
Yeah. Hi isn’t the only thing I say in a conversation I have no trouble meeting or talking to people face to face. But I also don’t have trouble adapting to new technologies or paradigms either. So I don’t feel the need to get upset when a new one makes me uncomfortable or I don’t quite understand it which judging…
Or maybe everybody could stop being so high and mighty and have a little more empathy and accept that reaching out to a random person is difficult and accept “Hi” as a first message and then see where the rest of the conversation goes. No? Ok just a thought. I actually used “Hi” as a filter on purpose because I didn’t…
As a person, i’m sad that you would probably be right, except he won’t say anything negative about a shooting because even Trump doesn’t want to get on the bad side of the gun lobby.
Automatic Transmission...
So crab mentality then? That’s just so sad to me.